Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

“them specifically”


Our team found out about it while we were playing. Dammit.

You’ve got bar trivia in Czechia? What’s that like?

Maybe you should go over there and Czech it out yourself.


How does this have 5 likes?


Praguely because it was funny!




Macdonald knew but hadn’t disclosed that he himself had cancer.


Like bar trivia everywhere else essentially

Is it in English?

Bennett Braun, psychiatrist who inflamed a ‘satanic panic,’ dies at 83


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Oh yeah, fuck this guy with all the rusty sporks.

You know what to do, Satan

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Yup. There’s at least one per weekday you can find in Prague.

Are the topics Eurocentric or more USAian?

Depends on the categories. Culture and geography questions are definitely more Eurocentric. Current events are a mix but popular entertainment mostly comes from the US so that’s what it is.

What’s the breakdown in contestants? Ratio of Czech to non-Czech (i.e., like you)?

Mostly foreigners who live in the country.

Was Norm Macdonald a terrible person? I always thought he was a nice and well loved funny guy. But a YouTube short popped into my feed where he brought up someone dressed as a native American at some Hollywood awards show and the jokes seemed (to me) incredibly racist and not funny. Making fun of how we stole their land and slaughtered them. Maybe that was the point (to bring awareness to those atrocities) and it went completely over my head? But the laughter from the audience made me cringe. What am I missing?

Edit: Ok maybe it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought?

Re edit: Nah, I still think it’s bad each time they cut away to people laughing at the mention of Native Americans being slaughtered and having their land taken away

He was making fun of a famous Oscar event where Marlon Brando had a Native American (Indian at the time) show up and accept his award.

In 1973, actress Sacheen Littlefeather stepped on stage at the Oscars on behalf of Marlon Brando, identifying herself as a member of the Apache tribe and turning down his award because of the way Native Americans were treated in the U.S. Now, her two sisters are saying she lied — their family is not Native American.

Ok but I guess I still don’t get how it’s funny. Have you seen what I’m referring to? Imagine making jokes about the horrific way slaves were treated and the audience laughing hysterically at each atrocity mentioned. I like to think I have a decent sense of humor. I can find humor in almost anything. I like dark humor. But this just made me cringe