Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Norm is a good guy and is really funny. He’s like 10 levels above anyone working now.

Pretty sure he’s a few levels below anyone working right now


Old lump of coal

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I guess I’m alone in thinking that was a highly offensive skit

If you’re wanting people to comment on something, the best thing to do is post it and ask for comments, not ask people to go find it or know what you’re talking about

I linked it up thread :point_up:

The people laughing are your hero’s. Sorry for your loss cactus.

Weird, I remember seeing your post on my phone and wondering why you didn’t put the video. Still not gonna watch it tho. I can already tell you it’s offensive to me without seeing it.

I don’t know what that means

Good excuse to post one of the greatest internet ads of all time. (Very NSFW)

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His podcast was so great. Knowing he was sick the entire time :/

I’m pretty sure mangrate wasn’t a sponser long after this.


You can’t be serious. Yes it went above your head.

And they cut away to Jon Stewart and John Oliver

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In addition to being a parody of a previous event, part of the humor comes from the incongruity of someone making a serious statement at a comedy awards show.
Instead of Norm saying a few funny things of his own, you have a straight-laced individual saying things that aren’t jokes, something that deviates so wildly from expectations. The longer it goes and the more obvious that there is no punchline, the funnier it is.

I didn’t think the bit was funny and Norm def had a touch of the culture wars in him, but, man, it’s eyeroll-worthy or something, not “terrible famous people”.

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You must be right and I usually get dry humor, dark humor, and inane humor with no punchlines. Even humor that makes fun of tragedies. But I can’t find the humor in pointing out the plight of Native Americans having their land stolen from them only to be heinously slaughtered afterwards and then cutting away to people laughing upon hearing those facts. I didn’t get it and thought I’d ask. It must be me. I’ll move on

No one said it was funny. But that’s what norm does.

It’s like 10th level stuff going on for the reasons mentioned above. He’s mocking all of his fellow comedians/actors and they know it.

It’s supposed to be uncomfortable

Or like the time he “roasted” Bob S. He didn’t want to. So he bombed on purpose. Yeah it’s dumb but he’s just norm being norm

I don’t think anyone has anything bad to say about norm except maybe his ex wives or bookies

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Off topic but one of my fav norm jokes. Talking to Dave L

Yeah we have joint custody. Some months I get him for 2 days and the wife 29

Some I get 2 days and the wife 28

Some I get 2 days and the wife 26

February is the worst


This is bad.

On top of his legendary career and being a good dude, he was an excellent poker player.


Fuck. Legendary twoplustwoer.

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Only 61. Damn, way too young.