Bump this thread when terrible famous people die



Hereā€™s the article about her not being so great

I donā€™t think the two of them are in the same league when it comes to ā€œmajor damage to progressivism by not retiringā€. Ginsberg has her crushed in that department. Of course, Ginsberg had also previously done more good.

I also donā€™t think that Feinsteinā€™s hanging around too long really undoes a lot of her good the way Ginsbergā€™s did.

I think the real debate is just which thread she belongs in. Based on her entire body of work Iā€™d put her in the not terrible one.

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Who is someone who if they died tomorrow would be perfectly balanced between terrible and not terrible?

Bernie was my first instinct but heā€™s probably a little better than middle. Maybe Carter or something idk

Iā€™ve got them both safely in non-terrible range. Maybe I just have a higher bar for terrible.



Perhaps. Itā€™s tough for me to overcome to inherent terribleness that comes with being a politician

Yeah, I think successful politicians, like billionaires, have to have a good bit of terribleness to get where they are. No argument there. I guess maybe Iā€™m just judging them on some sort of politician scale.

Itā€™s difficult because many of us werenā€™t politically aware (certainly not to the extent we are now) in the 90s, when it seems universally agreed that she was a much better VORP senator.

Itā€™s tough to ignore recency bias because of this. She has SUCKED for the past 2 terms, and thatā€™s what a lot of us remember.

Had she just retired in 2012, this wouldnā€™t be an issue. When Barbara Boxer dies, there wonā€™t be 100 posts in this thread about it.

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Maybe if we started judging by ā€œyouā€™re only as good as your last dayā€, people would be more apt to end their careers while still ahead. Thereā€™s nothing more pathetic than a once great athlete becoming a liability to team because his ego wouldnā€™t let him retire when he should have.

RBG wound up fucking us and right or wrong, thatā€™s how most of my generation will remember her and Feinstein. Go out on top imo. We canā€™t all be a Sully


Will any politician qualify for the other thread? Hard to come up with a name. Which is somewhat odd for a group of people among the top 1% of the politically aware.

He was the first orange man to run for president, the first orange man to win the presidency. He was a true trailblazer.

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This is possibly the grossest thing Iā€™ve seen on this forum.

Dianne Feinstein literally found Harvey Milkā€™s body and tried to stop the bleeding by jamming her fingers in the gunshot wound. She became a leader for lgbt rights. Trump would never.

GTFO with that picture and your insinuation that the LGBT folks mourning her today and those who she supported back then are insincere or fake.

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Jimmy Carter is probably the closest a person can be to a good person while still becoming POTUS.


Feinstein spent the first part of her career mostly being pretty good (although voted against gay rights at least once) and then spent the last 15 years or so doing what she could to enrich herself and prevent progress.

In other words she was no saint.

I was going to post that. He may have been an ineffective president (although lots was out of his control), but he seemed like a genuinely good person who wanted to do the right thing. He also was a good person post presidency and didnā€™t seem like he was just out to enrich himself.

I feel heā€™s sort of the opposite of Bill Clinton who was a good president, but a horrible selfish POS.

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Quote is a little trite and often used to make bad points but some 26 year old French revolutionary dipshit who was then part of the Reign of Terror is famous for saying that no one reigns innocently. Like maybe there was once a king a long time ago who inherited the throne, gave away all the money in his treasury to the poor, and promptly choked on a grape, but you will find no President or Prime Minister in any country anywhere that hasnā€™t had to sign off on heinous shit, idk maybe not Jacinda Arden. Carter was a committed cold war warrior despite the human rights gloss, clearly way to the right of Bernie on economic policy. To me for these threads, you gotta grade on a curve, otherwise the non terrible thread will have 0 posts.

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