Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

But was Bill Clinton a good president? Allowed the paradigm shift away from Dems being the party of FDR and the Great Society etc…to being technocrat Republican light.

Clinton for sure belongs in this thread. Both.


But what about this?

Bill-clinton GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


You’d think the Epic Sax Guy meme would have been mixed with Bill Clinton playing the sax at some point

EDIT: It is

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I might be wrong, but that’s over a minute’s worth of just 4 notes

He was simply advertised his tongue talent to the ladies.

It’s looped. Epic Sax Guy is like a 5 second meme.

I’m late to this thread but this is the correct take. What matters in politics is incentive structure. “If you cling to power when you should retire, you will trash your own legacy” seems like a good incentive to uphold. The question of whether she was or wasn’t a good person is beside the point. Her headstone should read “Waste of space and obstruction to progress”, I don’t care if this was true back in 1980 or not.

I’ll reconsider this position if and when excessive criticism of mainstream party figures within the Democratic Party becomes a more serious problem than narcissists clinging to power way past their use-by dates. I’m not holding my breath on this though.



i thought he died at least ten years ago


Was wondering what thread Knight was gonna be posted in

gets choked

Trump supporter, think he appeared at a rally or two.

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Top 5 college basketball coach of all time, and I will admit to enjoying some of his antics. But definitely belongs in this thread.


eh, he was a grade A+ asshole so the other stuff shouldn’t even be mentioned

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I know literally nothing about the guy other than that photo but that’s enough to qualify for this thread. lol


I hope there is a hell and he’s there getting perpetually demonraped so he’s compelled to just sit back and enjoy the ride.


He threw a chair once.

he was your standard big bully who choked one of his players once

Yeah he was awful