Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

RIP Diane Feinstein


Has her estate mentioned if her corpse is still gonna run for reelection or not?


I wonder how the GOP will successfully keep her seat from being filled before 2025?

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They’ll keep her seat on the judiciary committee from being filled. Which means no judges confirmed.

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She already announced she wasn’t running. Newsom said he would appoint a caretaker not running in 2024 if the seat became vacant. He also pledged to appoint a black woman.

The Republicans were blocking a temporary replacement on the Judiciary Committee, so her dying might actually make it harder for them to block nominations.

What’s the latest point in her life where she could have died and not be seen as a terrible person by posters here?

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her body may have failed but it’s good to know her mind was still vibrant right up until she passed.



Real question is will the candidate that runs in her district be over or under 70.

Lol the NYTimes doesn’t have the full obituary ready to go .

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Adam Schiff (age 63), Katie Porter (age 49), and Barbara Lee (age 77) had all already announced they were running for the seat in 2024.


Saw so many posts I thought Kissinger croaked



Rumors on Twitter that Kissinger was cast in a remake of Back to School.

You just gave Katie Porter at least one additional vote, I didn’t realize Schiff was in his 60s.

I didn’t either until I looked it up.

Knew the other two within a year, but would have guessed Schiff was in his early to mid 50s. He doesn’t look that old imo.

I exclaimed an audible “YES!” when I read the news, am I a bad person?

Kissinger has his own thread.