Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

No, you’re thinking of Silvio Dante. Silvio Buscemi was a NYC firefighter and the cross-eyed dude in Adam Sandler’s movie

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Silvio Berlusconi was a complete piece of shit. Like if Trump owned Fox and NBC. Rot in hell fascist moron.

Had an angry Italian girlfriend when he was in office. She would have strangled him if the opportunity presented itself.



Joe Wurzelbacher, whom Americans would remember as “Joe the Plumber” from the 2008 presidential election, died on Sunday at the age of 49 from pancreatic cancer.

Going to put him in the lesser tier of terrible people. Still sad to hear


Wonder if he had any of that socialist healthcare?

Off the top of my head I can’t remember if he was a thing in 08 or 12, leaning 08 because I think he was pre tea party. Yup, 08

Perfectly fine to put him ITT IMO.

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Difference doesn’t matter much for pancreatic. You ain’t getting cured. Not sure I’d waste the time trying with lol chemo but that’s a very specific situation thing in spread/size/etc.

we need Donald Trump to restore us to sanity

now I’ve heard everything utterly absurd a human being stated

RBG survived 11 years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

edited my post–obviously she was early stage, rare to get it detected unless it’s later

Yeah, need to hit the lottery to catch it that early.

Regardless, Joe the plumber belongs in this thread.

That’s a shame. I was hoping he would go out as a Herman Cain Award winner.

Wasn’t Joe just used by the GOP? He wasn’t a willing participant in the campaign. Just a useful idiot.

Like what that Ken Bone guy was.

He ran for Congress as a Republican.

Not long enough. Or maybe not short enough. Couldn’t hang in for another couple of months.

Local news reporting Dianne Feinstein has died.


National news is confirming it



Please don’t let people drag me to work right before I die.

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