Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

That’s a pretty hot Iraq War take in the year 2015. Although I will say, I think it’s a generally memory-holed aspect of the rise of Trump in the GOP that before him, you were still expected to get up there and talk bullshit about Iraq. Aside from I guess Ron Paul he was the first guy to get up and be like “Iraq, what a complete fuckup run by morons that was” and everyone was like “yep”. I think that and the NAFTA thing contributed a lot to his “tells it like it is” reputation in the early days.


I hope that was a subtle dig at Brady.

Um, he’s not dead?

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Dietrich Mateschitz, founder of Redbull, dead at 78

Good riddance. He used his billions to support far-right organizations.


I get so torn on these assholes. They die but then they may donate even bigger sums in their estates.

If their was only a way they had to conver let it all to cash then light it on fire. Better use than it ending up in some fund run by the next Charlie Kirk et al.

So, Redbull gives you Wingnuts?


Guess I assumed the guy who started an energy drink company wasn’t an old. Or maybe Red Bull is much older than I thought

Goodness gracious.


Does he belong in this thread? I don’t really know much about him besides the music.

I guess he was an old white guy, so safe bets are he was at least terrible-adjacent.

Depends on how you feel about him marrying his 13-year-old cousin, I suppose.

Likely killed his fifth wife, too.


Kind of a lightweight for this thread, but I’ve personally hated this guy since he got his column. What an entirely dishonest piece of shit.

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Scientologist, Trumpster, antivaxxer, frequent Tucker guest, and used one of her final tweets to praise Kanye’s Tucker interview as “refreshing”.


My hot take is Rebecca > Diane regardless of what am awful human Kirstie Alley was.


Yeah of course. Diane was super annoying.

RIP Lt. Saavik


the admins of a star trek meme group I’m in are deleting all of the kirtstie alley memes people are posting and they’re BIG MAD lol