Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

What’s the Scientology death myth?


Apparently she’s going to body snatch some rando for growth and survival.

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Seems like a grift opportunity to sell devices to protect your body from being snatched by shitty people that die.

Also, since the Earth’s population has expanded so much in the last hundred years, does that mean there are millions of soulless bodies walking around waiting to be inhabited by an OG soul?

Nah. Fresh souls come from other planets. See the story of Xenu for how those souls are worked with.


This guy Scientologys


It’s sort of a fascination for me. I suggest reading Going Clear. The documentary misses so much fucked up information about it. Also Necronomipod does a four-part series on Scientology and an interview with Tony Ortega that’s worth listening to.

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How many rubes could I get to send me money by being “inhabited” by Kristie Alley?


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Glad I’m not the only one when went straight to the South Park video for the facts haha

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Enough, for sure,

There are a lot more dead people than are alive rn so the reverse is more likely but if you’re dead you probably don’t mind the wait.

Pedophile enabler, Hitler Youth member and staunch bigot Joseph Ratzinger finally croaked


I initially read this as John Ratzenberger. I thought harsh, but fair.

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In our house we refer to

The Pope (JP2)
The Nazi Pope (just died)
The new pope (Francis)

Wife’s grandfather was son of Polish immigrants.

Imagine being

and that being the least worst part of your legacy

I had no idea who you were referring to until further replies cleared it up

Can’t wait to see which thread gets bumped for the third death.

Assuming you are talking about Westwood I don’t know anything about her but in general anyone in the fashion industry probably is a candidate for this thread.

I barely knew who she was and had already forgotten she died. I was thinking the third hadn’t happened yet.