Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

ahh, fuck, i was hoping pf someone more in the gorbachev-elizabeth range, to complete the triplet.

No idea how Kissinger dodged this wide swipe of the scythe


Man thats great news. Ken Starr was a 100/100 POS. Truly an awful human being.


For the longest time, I got Ken Starr and Kato Kaelin mixed up.

No, I’m not joking.

Also, fuck that guy, BIH Ken

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Wasn’t he President of Baylor when Art Briles players were out raping without consequences?

Actively covered up systemic gang rape, details are horrifying.

Wow, terrible people really do die in threes. Rot in hell.

Wasn’t that the whole plot of the last Star Wars movie?

“Over the past decade, he has assembled a large team of professional managers who increased his portfolio’s value and profits by about 50 percent.”

doesn’t seem that impressive, what has Harvard’s endowment done over the past decade?

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SP500 up 173% over the last decade fwiw

Princeton’s endowment was up 47% LAST YEAR

TIL the new British monarch is terrible with money.

Also don’t forget about Starr’s significant involvement in Epstein’s defense

The end of the article (pre death) sums up his career shining achievements:

Though Starr’s role in securing the Epstein deal was public knowledge, Brown’s book reveals the lengths that the lawyer was prepared to go to in order to protect from federal justice an accused sexual predator and pedophile. The extent of his involvement is all the more striking given the equally passionate lengths that Starr went to in 1998 to pursue Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice, given the much less serious sexual activity that sparked that investigation.

Starr’s handling of sexual assault scandals has dogged him during other phases in his career. In 2016 he was stripped of the presidency of Baylor University after the institution under his watch failed to take appropriate action over a sexual assault scandal involving 19 football players and at least 17 women.

Four years later Starr served as a member of Trump’s legal team in the former president’s first impeachment trial over dealings with Ukraine.

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And who was his right hand man during Lewinsky?



Yeah, Starr bullied the shit out of an intern, threatened to send Monica to jail and ruin her life if she didn’t give up completely irrelevant sexual details which led to her getting publicly humiliated for a decade. All of it was just political football for him, literally no one sincerely gave a fuck if Clinton was getting a blowjob from his intern.

Naturally he goes on to cover up a massive sexual abuse scandal, fuck that guy.

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Fuck autocorrect too.

Anyway, great reminder that even the decent pre-MAGA Republicans were openly abusing the system for political ends.

fun fact, the original starr report was downloadable on the internet, and was one of the first few digital documents distributed so widely. the traffic took down several government sites over a few days

You mean several government sites went down. Phrasing matters.

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