Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Day before Vic grand final eve (a fairly lol holiday in and of itself) too so 4 day weekend!

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Funeral is on the 19th and we get a bank holiday in the UK woohoo

Sounds like a few more royals need to go in order to get more time off.

Queen dies. No one can lock a bike for two weeks. Cool cool.

how the heck are they going to manage hundreds of thousands people paying respects to her casket? where do they queue?

The last member of the Royal Family to lie in state in the hall was the Queen Mother in 2002, when more than 200,000 people queued to view her coffin.

So maybe millions of mourners?

That also seems like it is backstory of the „mourning bike rack“. If it is where they want people to queue for that, reducing bikes in the area seems like it could reduce risk in case of a panic etc.

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Victoria has a holiday already for AFL GF and WA has one the following Monday so it’s the next logical day in regards to school holidays etc

We won’t be getting time off again unless it’s the monarch who dies. Judging by his parents and grandmother, Charles won’t be going anywhere for at least another 20 years, even at the age of 73.



When Andrew starts killing off Charles and his progeny it will be a whole lot of long weekends!

One can only hope!


Awoman in Edinburgh was arrested at the weekend for holding a sign that said: “Fuck imperialism, abolish monarchy.” In Oxford, an even milder protest resulted in the arrest of Symon Hill. He emerged from church as the proclamation for King Charles III was being read, and called out: “Who elected him?” There is a question mark over how disruptive that was, in the great scheme of things, but it was enough for the police to arrest and handcuff him, later to de-arrest him on the understanding that he would be questioned in the future. Hill says that, at the time, they told him they were acting under the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act (2022), though they later described it as a potential public order offence.


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20 minutes of Queen shit. 5 minutes of actual news and after this break, ordinary Americans reaction to the passing…

FU Lester Holt. USA#1 won two wars against these people and then saved them twice. All so we don’t have a goddamn Monarchy here (apologies to Emporor Trump).

During her reign, British soldiers committed widespread atrocities against Kenyans at the height of Mau Mau uprising between 1952 and 1960. Roughly 1.5 million people were forced into concentration camps where they were subjected to torture, rape and other violations. Reports later showed the British had made concerted efforts to destroy and conceal official records of their brutal crackdowns.

Observers say the erasure of history had consequences that have stretched on to the present. “I don’t remember learning about the ills of the colonial empire,’’ said Dr Njoki Wamai, an assistant professor in politics and international relations at the United States International University-Africa. “Many of us have had to educate ourselves in public spaces, and because of the legacy of colonial education in Kenya, the Queen has been venerated and treated as an iconic figure.”

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The reporting on their finances is all over the place. The Queen’s estate is “only” a few hundred million pounds, which they’ve touted forever to keep suckling at the government teat, but the family also owns billions of dollars of other property that is surely in trusts or whatever that they somehow expect everyone to ignore?