Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

The prayers for Zeman are more like muted early celebration from most of the country

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i mean what is the phrase? i’m struggling to come up with a russian equivalent. maybe it’s a cultural thing

No idea.

didn’t realize he was running.

also that entire thread is certainly something.


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Lol, he’s pro life, right?

The amount of mind bending these idiots have to use is amazing. Allen West, just JAQing off on why the government is promoting a vaccine that limited the need for the things he’s promoting, like monoclonal antibodies. Like, you can just go down to CVS and get that in the cold and flu aisle, right? Hey fuckface, how about we promote the vaccine so we don’t have to use experimental, $2100 antibodies when you end up in the hospital?!

Also, how did those “healthy over the counter therapies” work out for you, dickhead? You’re writing those tweets from a fucking hospital bed.


It’s 100% negative polarization. The libs have their medicine so we have to have ours.

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Sadly, West is out of the hospital

Death can’t bag people this stupid? If I didn’t know better I’d say he’s kind of a slacker.

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Harder to kill those without souls?

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Mandatory 3-day wait for such a Christian Warrior

Another nominee



Not sure this one quallifies but Rob Skiba gained his Angel wings yesterday. For those of you not familiar with this fruitcakes work he was a flat earther/evangelical/covid- denier with 209k subscribers on the utoob.

“As an “ancient Nephilim theorist” and “Biblical Cosmologist,” Rob brings a unique and often unheard perspective to the UFO/alien discussion and an increased understanding of ancient myths and the Biblical truths upon which they are usually based.”



Generally IDGAF about people who spout conspiracy theories about aliens, the JFK assassination, flat earth, or other mostly laughable nonsense. It’s a gateway drug to more toxic stuff that has real world impacts when it crosses over into vaccines or other anti-science bullshit that can cause harm. It sounds like he crossed that line, so bye felicia.


You can’t post this without posting the batshit crazy comments:


That’s why you clearly see a huge jump in deaths in 2020 and 2021 because it is just the same stuff killing us.

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Thoughts and prayers


He was arrested in 2015, but sentenced “days ago”? Huh?

I almost replied similar, I assume you’re in the kind of “these idiots have always been dangerous” kind of camp or?

Yea at this point, people that believe JFK was killed by a lone wolf look more nutty.

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