Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

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Your pony caught covid, was on a ventilator and survived, recovered, then caught covid again and passed.


It’s kind of been a big deal.


Recently rewatched The Jinx. Such a good documentary. Amazing that dude would have gotten away with three murders if it wasn’t for that documentary. Even more amazing was him getting acquitted by the Texas jury. If you ever want to murder someone, be white, in texas, and shoot them in your own home. That was ricidulous. Mountains of evidence lol

Unbelievably chilling when hes talking to himself in the bathroom after they presented him the letters. " you’re caught. Of course you killed them all " jesus

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I mean he’s got fat money, and I think the trial started in 2019 then covid and was delayed until recently.


Could we stop updating the thread when famous people didn’t die? Or maybe update the thread title to “sweat thread” or something.

Well Rush Limbaugh is still dead, that should make you feel better.


I’ve been using the Covid deaths discussion thread for those that are just sick. I think a really big name on deaths door is ok here. By obscure RWNJ with Covid in the other thread.

Powell’s dead. Was he a good bad guy?


IMO he was a willing dupe on the WMD lie in Iraq.

He was a POS. He gave legitimacy to lies that killed hundreds of thousands or millions. He was a war criminal


Taking the search for WMDs all the way to hell. I admire the dedication.


To be fair he admit he fucked up, but boy did he fuck up. Survey says

From CNN

“ Powell, who left the State Department in early 2005 after submitting his resignation to Bush the previous year, later called his UN speech a “blot” that will forever be on his record.

“I regret it now because the information was wrong – of course I do,” he told CNN’s Larry King in 2010. “But I will always be seen as the one who made the case before the international community.”

“I swayed public opinion, there’s no question about it,” he added, referring to how influential his speech was on public support for the invasion.

In his 2012 memoir, “It Worked for Me,” Powell again acknowledged the speech, writing that his account of it in the book would likely be the last he publicly made.

“I am mad mostly at myself for not having smelled the problem. My instincts failed me,” he wrote, referring to the report he used that contained faulty evidence of supposed Iraqi WMDs. “It was by no means my first, but it was one of my most momentous failures, the one with the widest-ranging impact.”

“The event will earn a prominent paragraph in my obituary,” Powell wrote.”

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Can’t remember what podcast I heard it on, maybe Chapo, but they said Powell was the one person who maybe could have stopped the war. He had a ton of legitimacy and respectability and if he stood up and told the truth and that the whole thing was bullshit it would have collapsed.

Regardless of whether thats true sounds like he 100% belongs in here.

There is no way he didn’t know it was bullshit right? He had to know it was bullshit. From what I’ve listened to and read it was fairly obvious to a ton of laymen at the time the whole thing was bullshit.

Dude knowingly lied, he didn’t get conned imo

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Agree. I think integrity meant something to him and he knew he blew his when he went along with that other “big lie”. At least later in life he spoke the truth about Trump and spoke out against him. I think we really need to consider if “reform”, if you can call it that, should get zero respect from us. For things to change over these next few years, don’t we have to offer some kind of olive branch to those who try to come back from the dark side?


I’m all for people deserving second chances, but I don’t think being a never trumper gets him out of being a war criminal.

If some how he was actually duped and wasn’t lying his face off… maybe. But I find that incredibly hard to believe. From my understanding all the scientists were just straight up saying we couldn’t find anything because there wasn’t anything. The only reason it worked is the rubes fell for the propaganda, and Powells speech.

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Fair enough on Powell. Does anyone get any credit for flipping on Trump at this point? If so, who?

A hit this big deserves an article link or two

Cheny. Anyone who didn’t do it out of pure self interest. I mean I’m willing to make allies out of the enemy of my enemies, but on our private lil board I will tell the truth that they’re still scum.

If Powell had completely left the Republican party and started building houses for the poor or something I would probably even forgive him for his lie. Having a sliver of shame to say I fucked up, probably out of his own interest of his legacy. So people would say " at least he owned up to it " like what else could he do? History left no doubt, he fucked up. Not enough. Dude needed to be out there helping people all the time. He was rich enough he didn’t even need to work anymore.