Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Lots of them are rich and white and don’t care about other people?


A 40 point polling edge is pretty massive.

I feel like Republicans are toning down the anti-gay shit from where it was in the 1990s, in general the party talks less about overtly religious stuff. Or at least they’re focusing their anger more at the trans community instead of the gay community, as Chads points out, that can create a wedge. I think Republicans see the writing on the wall, gay marriage is a massively losing issue for them, so they’re going to scream about transgender bathrooms and storytimes and whatnot instead.

100% true

Prague might have a large LBGT community but it doesn’t stop them from being bigoted. I talked to a G in the LBGT community who was originally from Lebanon and raised in a conservative Muslim family. He was outright rejected by a lot of them (Czechs tend to be extremely Islamophobic). Felt horrible for him because he was completely alone given the lack of acceptance from any community.

When I first moved to Prague, I lived with a lesbian Burmese couple to traveled to the CR for college. They too were not well-accepted. Oddly enough, they were quite conservative despite that. For example, they adored Aung San Suu Kyi despite her trying to genocide the Rohingya.

Speaking of her, do we include her in this thread when she dies. I mean she’s 76 and was drafted in the biggest asshole draft.

Example of some of these issues currently happening in DC right now.

Cliffs: “LGBTQ” sports bar. Clientele is primarily gay white dudes, but there is some diversity (especially depending on what events they are hosting on a particular night). One night during Pride, some black patrons got thrown out (allegedly for sneaking in their own liquor bottles) and the bouncers got very physical (shoving, punches, one woman was literally dragged down a flight of stairs by her hair). Bar shut down for a bit, recently reopened, and has been getting picketed/protested.

My own experience is that currently the community is very divided, but lots of the gay guys have gone all in on supporting the bar and are made at the protestors for ruining their fun night out.

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Czech Republic fares quite poorly among the 49 countries considered Europe for LGBT rights, mostly only beating out former Soviet countries.

Prague is very different from the rest of the country. It’s actually the only part of the country with a left-leaning local government in power. Pretty much the rest of the country is center-right or right-wing. I mean they voted in a Czech Donald Trump in 2013 and then did it again 5 years later. Before Czech Donald Trump was Czech Alex Jones (who also got two terms). Thank fuck the president has almost no power here. Not that the PM is any more competent. Just less open with his own bigotry.

EDIT: Gotta admit that I’m super-surprised with Malta being that high on the list. It’s a super-Catholic country. Montenegro being 11th is pretty surprising too.


Your average boomer is freshly retired with a pension plus 401k plus social security plus a ~500k house that’s mostly paid off. The fact that other generations can’t even comprehend this kind of wealth helps perpetuate the diner myth.

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lol pensions aren’t what was promised

People like that are cool for hook ups if they’re into that but no way it’s worth it for something serious

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My thesis on Trump is basically that a lot of people in America have huge status anxiety for a whole lot of different reasons - the impending collapse of America’s sole superpower status, the hollowing out of rural areas of the country, the disappearing middle class etc etc - and that this anxiety tends to express itself in the same way it does in high school, i.e. taking it out on people with lower status than you, hence the racism etc. It’s also expressing itself as conspiracy theories about a conspiring Satanic ruling class. Unless people are legit in the 1%, the higher-status i.e. wealthier they are, the more status anxiety there is.

Trump is the avatar of the movement because status anxiety threatens to cause introspection about whether one actually deserves the status one has enjoyed and Trump is the walking alternative to that. He lives his life just bullying people, never spending a second on introspection and never apologising for anything. He is never wrong, he’s always just getting failed by other people, and he’s a winner while living this way. His fans subconsciously aspire to this because it would free them of their intolerable anxieties.


Great write up. This sounds right. I can see Carlin explaining this as the trends and forces lol

Like any powerful tool,it is used for good and bad. If you’re only seeing one then you aren’t looking very hard.

It definitely depends on the night/event. I mostly went on Mondays (they used to host poker tourneys in the before times) and during big softball/women’s bb games (lol).

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I get the positive side of the ledger. I’m not confident in the net.

yes some of the liberal churches out there are a current force for good in the world. Those would seem to be a recent invention.

I was raised Catholic. I’m pretty certain that’s a net negative. Forced conversion. The inquisition. Extreme homophobia. The crusades. Pedophile priests. General misogyny. Aristocratic leadership.

Notice I’m am not talking theology. Only religion in the political sense. Let f faith/fellowship is fine my me. Big R Religion on the other hand.

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Raised Catholic as well, and I agree on the net benefits being negative. This sums it up pretty well, imo:

I will say I got a good education in the 10 years I spent in Catholic grade school. They didn’t dismiss science, but obviously there was lots of indoctrination going on.

The next ten years of my life was spent in public education focusing on the arts. It was much better in almost every way. Less was expected of me in that time though. It felt like my sixth-grade Catholic school work load (time based) wasn’t replicated until college, but that’s probably an overstatement.

The molestation scandal alone makes the Catholic Church a net negative. Throw in their absolutely abhorrent record on women, to say nothing of instilling shame as a way of life, which manifests itself in all kinds of super destructive ways, and it isn’t even close.


The Eucharist is pretty good though if you dip it in salsa.


Dan claims not to be a historian but he has a stereotypical historian’s approach to current events. Completely bloodless and lifeless.

Gives him an air of being above-it-all when it’s really that he’s unwilling to demonstrate any conviction.

The racism was always there; what’s different now is that there is technology that can spread and reinforce the racism without the gatekeeping of the traditional press. The removal of the fairness doctrine and the restrictions on media ownership were significant as well.

George Wallace would have been a lot more successful in 2016 than 1968. Back then, people read newspapers and watched Walter Cronkite. In 2016, they read memes that confirmed what they “know” from 20 years of indoctrination via Fox News. And of course, watched more Fox News to gain their next set of talking points and reinforce that racism.


For comparison: Malta legalized divorce in 2011.