Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

I can’t think of any reasons that are actually real though. Like women getting slightly more equality? Black people getting more of a voice?

Doesn’t really equate with my idea of big trends and forces that usually cause crazy shit to happen.

Well… one anyway.


Dude. It’s racism.

It’s that easy.

Value systems being eroded/replaced.

Class warfare via identity politics.

The internet.

Climate change.

I would bet this is a minority of Trump voters.

Glad I didn’t bet, I’m wrong according to a quick google search.

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I know that, but what’s the trends and forces pushing it? Blacks and Latinos aren’t getting more rights. With the supreme court they are infact losing rights. There isn’t significantly more equality now that there was 10 years ago.

Obama and Biden have done almost nothing for racial or social justice.

So the trends and forces pushing them to be this way I’d basically just made up lies from right wing radio etc.

I guess you could say the push for equality is more open, but there are no actual results yet.

I guess the only real thing you could say is there was a black president that set it off.

Feelings are more important here than facts.

If you asked a Trump supporter about any of those things, you would get an answer not tethered in reality.

Yeah it’s been well known since 2016 the majority of Trumpers are super well off, often boomers. Just look at the truck parades, boat parades, or people getting arrested from Jan 6th, it’s almost all people making over 6 figures. Mostly boomers.

That’st point, before this trends and forces were always tied to reality. This is the first time trends and forces were completely made up

This is the website I got the data from, not sure how accurate it is. I’m not going to dive to deep into it.


According to the data only 26% of voters make over 100,000k and out of that he won 54% of the vote.

I don’t know what cut off to use for “well off” though.

I don’t make 100K but I still feel like I’m well off.

I mean depends on where you live, but Trumpers will be rural for the most part and that will make them far more well off in regards to whatever income they make. Libs in cities making 80k barely getting by vs rural Trumpers making 80k living super comfortable. Especially since lots of them got mortgages 20+ years ago for super cheap and their property as at least tripled

It’s mostly just demographics. Dems lean younger/more minorities. White males 30-70 were the base for Trump, that’s the group that makes more money on average.

not in time for that election. he didn’t plan for anything beyond ‘20. frankly we shouldn’t have planned anything either.

The media has aggressively pushed the narrative of Forgotten Man as a working-class Trumper sitting around a diner, I don’t blame anyone for not knowing that most of Trump’s support actually came from the upper classes.

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We’ve been over this, his base skews wealthy but it’s really just white people.


I think that subconsciously most people understand that we have fucked the earth and the consequences are closing in. That nagging feeling is, I think, a real enough feeling to cause crazy shit.

I’m baffled how GLBTs aren’t among one of the most reliable groups for Dems, but they were only 64-27 Biden.

I don’t get how people where religion has been used to dehumanize them are still religious themselves.

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God damnit. Saw a bunch of new posts and thought we had a big one die. Disappointing start to a Saturday morning.