Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

It’s nice to see one of these terrorists was finally held accountable for one of their irresponsible and illegal decisions.

A RPG is literally a commie weapon.





“I’m not going to add to the numbers”

Holy shit, I can’t even imagine being so dedicated to a political leader that you would sacrifice your own health to try and help him in such an obviously insignificant way. As if Trump would appreciate it or even notice. SMH


BOAT PARADE killed this guy

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how many die hard trmprs dies in the pandemic? how many will die because they went unvaxxed?

Trump had literally millions of people willing to die for him and instead of raking in tons of cash and partying with a harem of sex slaves his businesses are collapsing and his grifting plan is to go on a speaking tour with O’Riley that’s selling to 1/2 capacity venues. What an absolute loser.


lol god damn. totally not a cult though. Seriously has anything like this ever happened in history where one person had like half the country willing to die for them?

Pure insanity

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Like maybe the late 1930s?


dying to own the libs


I think that’s as much of it as caring about Trump.

Oh it’s much worse than that. Wiki says Hitler got about 17 million votes in 1933. Trump got 70 million votes in the middle of pandemic that killed 500K Americans.

Many people on this forum undoubtedly know that Dan Carlin had a multi-part podcast on Japan before and during WWII. Of course, he spent a good deal of time describing Japan’s soldiers and citizenry willingness to die for the Emperor.


Ive been meaning to get to this. Where is this available for free?

Edit. Nm. Its on spotify now.

I mean I’ve listened to that whole series twice so I should of thought of that, but yeah I guess thats right. Their insane right wing faction which would murder politicians and business leaders in the name of the emperor sounds about right. The whole country was like a giant damn cult.

That said their whole society was geared for that, they learned it in school. They had thousands of years of thinking the emporer was a god, even when he wasn’t running shit.

Great series though, one of the best. Humans are insane.

Hitler would be the next best comparison, but they also at least had horrible economic factors, insane inflation, horrible shame etc. Under those factors it was pretty much a lock some super extreme party or person would take control, trends and forces etc.

What are the trends and forces of Trump though? Dude has no right to have come about, the vast majority of people who support him are well off and privileged in society, and their privileged isn’t really even threatened, they were just tricked into thinking it was.

Hitler and Japan I can make sense of, Trumpism just doesn’t make sense. I think its a new thing created from social media and propaganda reaching levels it’s never been too before.

Well, you’re almost getting at it. To be brief, you’ve listed why they revered the emperor. We know how WWI and the depression created a “great” environment for a fascist like Hitler. There are so many environmental factors that have Trump make sense, and they’re almost too long to list.

they are booking only 1/2 venues? are you sure?

eta: nvm, i see it now

i gave this story some more thought, and i am now firmly in fate camp. see, trmp was going to kill that man one way or another. Regardless of method, randal was basically shot by trmp in the middle of 5th ave, and donald still didn’t lose any voters.