Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

He wasn’t complaining about having to fill out forms. He was saying “I commit MASSIVE tax fraud every year, and if you ever catch it, this is my Suffer No Consequences card.”

Cite or ban

Germans are super fucking impressive. Did really well I’m the world wars despite basically having allies that were net negatives

So how did this Czech news outlet perceive Donald Rumsfeld?

Summary: Handwave the Middle East catastrophe because he was chairman of the board for a pharma company that created an antiviral drug that treats HIV with some Czech scientists. Of course this disregards the fact that the drug was released in 1996 and Rumsfeld became the COB in 1997. It also excludes his mismanagement of the United States Office of Economic Opportunity under Nixon and effectively restarting the Arms Race under Ford by undermining SALT.

Drives me nuts watching Czech news outlets get so much wrong about America.

Guise, please don’t post too much about any particular terrible ded person. Not out of respect for the ded, but when I check in and there are 25 unread posts I get excited that somebody else terrible bought it.



It’s like the reverse Supreme Court thread.


It’s a great book, and the last section about the coverup is especially illuminating and infuriating.

But one of the most memorable anecdotes for me was when he got to ASU as a football recruit. Coach says “obviously you’ll be red-shirted for a year” and Tillman says something like “You can do that if you want, but I’ll be graduating and moving on in 4 years”. I can’t even imagine being that self-assured at that age (or any other tbh).

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A lot of people get there eventually, but at 18 or 19 that is pretty special (I’m excluding the Dunning-Kruger type examples of people who are only that way because they are so dumb that they have no idea how limited they are).

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Don’t most kids assume they finishing college in 4 years?

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College football players generally don’t go in and flush one year of eligibility down the drain like it’s nothing.

As I understand it, D1 college football players are often red-shirted for 1 year to extend the 4 years of their NCAA eligibility. So they’ll typically take 5 years to graduate. Tillman was saying he would remain a student for only 4 years so the coach might as well use him for all 4 of those years.

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But that’s not what he said. He said he’s graduating in 4 years and moving on with his life.

Edit: What TheDuker said.

I’ve been infuriated about 7 times already and I’m only to 9/11.

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Exactly. That’s what makes his statement so notable. Most college football players would not do that.

Just preparing a nice warm welcome for him.



Better dead than (stop on a) red!




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