Bump this thread when terrible famous people die



And then he died in a war to make rich ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  more money along with a million other people

Does that really make him so different? Millions of American conservatives are sending money to Donnie Dumb Dumb on the regular to Fight Socialism or whatever phoney baloney culture war idiocy is top of mind. Tillman making stupid choices because of some misguided and poorly defined sense of loyalty is bog standard American conservatism for the 21st century. Is there any evidence that Pat Tillman was any more complex than Dumb Conservative?

Pretty sure he was an anti-war atheist and held a bunch of progressive views.

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This is wrong man. He wasnā€™t like that all.

I know absolutely nothing about him, thatā€™s why I was asking.

He was a very thoughtful and progressive guy. Way ahead of his time.

I guess I should DO MY OWN RESEARCH!

Iā€™ll look into it, I remember at the time that conservatives got all sweaty and horny about the narrative of NFL star (the very best kind of person there can be, some exceptions apply if you kneel during the national anthem) selflessly giving up his prime athletic years to Fight The Good Fight Against the Terrorists (support the troops!) and his death being Very Tragic (but still super exciting, so weird!).

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The NFL and military have both used him as propaganda. There is a pretty plausible theory IMO that he was intentionally murdered by other members of his unit. Thereā€™s a deep rabbit hole there.


The military repeatedly lied about his death and of course nothing happened to anyone (except Pat - heā€™s dead).

Read the book. Seriously.

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Which book?

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Where Men Win Glory.


itā€™s a giant organization and each decade changes its mission to be less military than its past. you are ascribing a legitimate criticism of the way the institution is used by governments to hundreds of thousands who served honorably and didnā€™t commit war crimes.


If nothing else itā€™s been a great primer into Afghanistan and Al Qaeda so far.

Have you gotten to the raid part where they rescue the white woman from being raped and killed by brown people in the hospital? Another unnecessary glorious fuck up. Forget her name but sheā€™s famous.

I just hit 9/11. Right before that a nice rage-inducing summary of Bush v. Gore.

But seriously though. Fucking Cardinals. You have a guy who just set the team record in tackles, super popular with the fans, ASU star, should have made the pro-bowl if not all-pro - and you basically try to shove him out the door to the Rams. Just utter dysfunction. And then Tillman rewards that behavior out of some misguided sense of loyalty because they drafted him. Rage.

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Pat Tillman was 100 percent murdered by the US military for being anti war


The trouble in that book was they didnā€™t have a last war. The top generals had lived a full career and not seen war because Europe had experienced prolonged peace. Without a war to anchor them, their strategies floated off into fantasies. War plans for them were like design docs are for my company. You write them to get promoted, but nobody actually uses them.

The generals believed their own b.s., and pushed for war NOW because otherwise the plan wonā€™t work. When war actually came, it took all of about two days for reality on the ground to win ā€“ the plans to be abandoned: recognized as actively harmful. Ɖlan!


Tbf, the Schlieffen plan was reasonably effective, more so than I had thought. The Germanā€™s almost made it, and on schedule.

The French Plan 17 was a disaster, which is crazy given the prior disaster of the Franco Prussian war. Iā€™m not sure why the French plan was so bad, perhaps an Athens vs Sparta thing. They were fighting an enemy more fully committed to war as an organizing principle of society.