Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

I really like his writing. I know it’s not tbe books thread but all of the his stuff is worth reading.

His books are so good. His one on the Mormons is well worth a read.

The Rumsfeld/McNamara hate a thon leads me to believe Microbet picked a bad time to quit. He’s an Xer that hated McNamara more than anyone.

What a chode this guy was.

How is this real lol. Must have been advised my Michael Cohen at that point. Not that it matters because there is zero tax enforcement anyways.

Cool how the guy who organized an entire invasion whines like a bitch when he’s asked to fill out a tax form. Even after hiring an attorney to prepare his taxes for him!

One of the norm-breaking things about W that’s gone down the memory hole is how monumentally unqualified most of his cabinet was. Obv Trump has completely raised the bar on this, but W’s flunkies were considered extreme fluffnut clowns at the time.

I’m at least partly with Rummy on this. I also whine about having to do my taxes and put it off until the last minute. Then I anxiously transcribe information from forms into some software, and it it tells me what’s up. I don’t know shit about what happens in between. I don’t bother to write the IRS about it though. I hope they appreciate that.

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lol, I remember I was working as an inter nwith some Republican guys in 2000 and they were all like “wow that Dick Cheney is absolutely crazy, I don’t like him.” Wild how the Overton Window shifts.

I know and hate McNamara. But I also took 2 semesters of military history. Also, 4 years of “military arts and science” class where we learned about strategy, tactics, etc. Most of it was about Vietnam because even though Desert Storm had just happened when I was in college, all the doctrinal stuff was still based on Vietnam.

There’s a saying that the US military is always fighting the last war, because it’s true. it’s a gargantuan organization and it takes forever for thinking to change, even things as important as doctrine and strategy. So much of our “strategy” in 2003 was based on Desert Storm-style warfare. And Desert Storm style warfare would have been based on Vietnam if not for a couple of field commanders willing to think outside the box.

We were still thinking like WW2 when Korea and Vietnam happened. Which is part of the reason we failed so hard.

ETA: ready for certain people to come at me and call me a terrible person for this post…


If we fight a perpetual war, then military strategy never becomes outdated.


That sounds fake. Can’t be real.

If Rumsfeld is a war criminal (he is) then so are Obama, Biden, and Hillary

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Being interested in the tactics of a terrorist organization is a red flag in some parts

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I’m getting in the Bush years in the Pat Tillman book now. Grinding rage.

Also almost as annoyed at the forever dysfunctional Cardinals for offering one of their best players a one year league minimum deal. Tillman turned down $9.6M from the Rams to keep playing for that. Dude was legit different.

i’ve read mao zedung and karl marx, doesn’t make me a maoist or a marxist. i’ve read anarchist playbook, doesn’t make me an anarchist. i’ve read cia’s pamphlet on simple sabotage, doesn’t make me a cia op.

TBF, it’s basically all militaries (currently reading Guns of August).




Who said I was interested? Just because I know a thing doesn’t mean I like or endorse that thing. Providing background information does not equal endorsement.

Also, “know thine enemy” and all that.

if you worked for the biggest death-dealing terrorist organization on the planet and left it with a keen interest in their tactics, i consider that a red flag.


Wait til you get to the end.