Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

It already has if you think about it.

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The striking thing about Rumsfeld is less how evil he was and more what an absolute fucking moron he seemed to be. I feel like an IQ test of him vs GWB would be a close run thing. Also close would be the two of them added together vs Cheney.

A society grows great when old men start wars of violent destructive occupation whoā€™s end they know they will never see.


He almost made the ā€œendā€. Missed it by a few months.

Rummy was way worse because he wasnā€™t just kind of dumb, he was dumb but also fashioned himself as a McNamara for the 21st century. The only thing worse than an idiot with power is an idiot with power who thinks heā€™s very, very smart.

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Itā€™s inspiring that Zoomers on Twitter seem to know and hate Rumsfeld. How many Gen-X guys have any clue who Robert S McNamara was? Are young people more politically aware these days?

Biz Marke is apparently dying. :(

Rummy was most definitely worse. I sort of think W bought all the ā€œfreedom is on the marchā€ stuff but as the Atlantic obit put it, Rumsfeld saw 9/11 as a chance for American Will to exercise itself. Like 100% more of a fascist than Bush.

I tend to think of W as as a salesperson more than anything else. Like at a car dealership, the guy trying to convince you the car is good didnā€™t design the car. He wouldnā€™t even try to pretend that he knows how the car works. But heā€™ll get up there and sell the shit out of it.

Right. But I think the way it was sold to him internally was with pablum about FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY. Rumsfeld wouldnā€™t have needed selling. A war to defend American Honor? Fucking awesome.

People HATED McNamara. My parents were young adults during Vietnam and they are still talking about what a piece of shit he was.

On his way out, Bush made a pro Palestine statement. I think, that alone, humanizes him more than Skeletor.

McNamara at least had the decency to admit he was completely wrong and the war was a colossal mistake. He was decades late in figuring this out but w/e. Weā€™re not getting that from any of the Iraq War guys ever.


Condolences are rolling in!


Yep W was the very definition of a useful idiot. In some ways he and trump are so similar. Neither could really describe in detail their own administrations policies. The only thing that separates them is Wā€™s agenda was masked by faux Christian kindness while Trumpā€™s was masked with hate.

Also, okay, but how many people from our generation know who he was? Teen Vogue dunking on Rumsfeld seems like a new phenomenon of kids with heightened political awareness.

McNamara was in fact actually smart as well. Heā€™s arguably a war criminal but heā€™s not as stupid as Rumsfeld. McNamara made real contributions to the field of psychopathic corporate optimization. Rummy used an army scholarship to get into Princeton and play football, then he was an instructor in the Navy, then he got a job working for congress critters. Rumsfeldā€™s path was the dude using connections to work the Ivy League ā†’ Government pipeline for the mediocre white man.

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Yup. Had a stroke at the end of 2020 as a result of type 2 diabetes complications

But this is for terrible people dying not kickass rappers :frowning:

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We watched ā€œthe fog of warā€ in HS here in Canada like 15 years ago.

I just started Krakauerā€™s book about Pat Tillman. Iā€™ve learned a lot so far about the recent history of Afghanistan, how the Soviets got pulled in, what happened after they left and the Mujhadeen started fighting each other. Iā€™m up to where the Taliban was born now.

They sound like the most upstanding group in the whole story so far. Basically just a grassroots movement that rose up against the mujahideen and ex-military who were robbing citizens on the road and raping men, women, boys and girls right and left.