Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Semi-serious question: Do vegetarians/vegans eat the eucharist?


I’m going to file this under “questions I didn’t know I wanted answered.”


Why wouldn’t they? Everyone knows it’s symbolic. And even if it weren’t, it raises none of the ethical issues associated with eating animals.

If, hypothetically, a cow really wanted you to slaughter it and consume it, and it was somehow able to communicate that effectively, then nearly all the major objections vegans have to eating a steak from that cow would be nullified.

The catholic church disagrees.

That’s why it is only semi-serious.

Well, my response also addressed those who believe it isn’t.

Edit: I made this response before your edit.

I think the best response is something like superuberbob linked. “It’s god. Therefore it’s different.” is difficult to argue against.

The consenting cow is still a bit problematic, see:


In my hypothetical case, the cow is of sound mind.

I have trouble reconciling being of sound mind and agreeing to being eaten but I have derailed this thread enough. This wouldn’t apply to a god-like figure anyway as it suffers no adverse consequences.

That the great thing about hypothetical cases, we can just stipulate these things.

Admittedly, that’d be one of their more well reasoned positions.

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Do you transubstantiate bro?

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only manslaughter? sweet jesus’ flesh… smh.

There was a retrial where he was convicted of murder and was sentenced to life in prison.

Someone terrible needs to die in the next 24 hours or I’m suing this forum.


Downright giddy at this one.


Does this count?

Otherwise, it’s lawsuit o’clock

What did Flack do that was scummy? I vague remember it from when I watched all the time.

I think he was just “old school”.

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Was he in the FTP crowd?