Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Thought I would go check into my “favorite RWNJ” to see what she thought about Rush’s passing…

ok expected…





I’ve had to resist checking on some of my committed lib friends to see if they’re offering their condolences out of Respect and Decorum and Norms. (One of the people I’m thinking of is the guy who both broke the story that Steve Scalise was a white nationalist and wished him well when he got shot, so anything is possible.)

And he got the Presidential Medal of Freedom too

I did not wish Steve Scalise well and, in fact, wished the exact opposite. And still do.

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Yeah, same. I don’t know how you square that circle unless treating powerful people with respect and deference is a highly held value of yours.


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Pony Express ITT.

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Fucking with the Clintons


Rush is one of the worst human beings to ever live. Therefore, there is a 30 page slurpfest about him over at Chiefsplanet.


A man just died and Mike Pence is making fat jokes



Remember giving the show an honest listen once back in college (mostly due to Howard Stern who referenced Rush at all bc of his success on radio and not politics) and I’m still traumatized from the experience. He was prattling on about some date that was to be a turning point for something something. I lasted maybe 2 commercial breaks and have maintained from that point on that the show was unlistenable and found it impossible to believe that anyone actually did.


I consider Rush a litmus test for being a decent human being. No one who went out of their way to listen to him every day ever passes.


Angry fat man on the radio
Wants to keep his taxes way down low
Says there oughta be a law
Angriest man you ever saw

Welfare music
Just watch the baby dance
To the welfare music
Well she ever stand a…


Remember how much grief one takes for comparing real fascists to Nazis? Rush helped massively popularize the phrase “feminazi”.

I didn’t know we had so many former republicans here. We need to start up a Republicans Anonymous thread.

As for me and Rush I heard it quite a bit. I was a talk radio junkie from a very young age but I don’t think I ever purposefully listened to Rush except when flipping the dial or in a car with someone else. But his impact and reach were absolutely profound at that time and he spawned an endless stream of copycats and is in almost any genealogy for modern day Republican punditry.

I used to get my talk radio politics with a more local flair from David Gold on the right, counterbalanced by Bob Ray Sanders on the left. Then there was Mark Davis, who I don’t remember being very extreme but I have caught stories on him in the Trump era and the guy is a hardcore deplorable. I think there is a through line from Limbaugh rhetoric that keeps pushing the line and grows until it ends in full on Trumpism 20 plus years later.


My pony must be pro-life.



For all the bluster these right-wing radio/podcast types have, they’re incredibly boring.

The only way I can listen to Alex Jones for more than a couple of minutes at a time is through Knowledge Fight.