Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

He provided the blueprint for conservatives to not have to hide their hatred and bigotry behind polite language anymore.

Also does Matt not know about the Welfare Reform Act of 1996


I suppose most conservatives really do mean it when they explain how important rush was to them. They’re kinda unintentionally showing us just how evil they all actually are. Hard to find any shared humanity there.


they only care about that as a means to the end, which is to lower taxes and keeping power. he succeeded in both.

He didn’t have kids right? Wonder who he is leaving all the money to? Wife(s)? NRA? Klan?

Only way I can make sense of it is by imagining him as the right wing version of Howard Stern. Sure he appealed to people’s worst instincts, engaged in “dark humor” and crossed the line plenty but he was entertaining goddammit and who else was gonna kill all that time in my drab boring life?

Some good comments on that post:

This is indeed, undeniably positive news. This guy actively made the world a worse place for untold millions. It does fill me with a sinking feeling every time though that it took death to defeat these fucking fascists and remove their microphone. The ears are still there, eager, desperate to be filled with hatred. It would feel so much better to have found a way to undo some of the damage or turn away some of the faithful while the fountain of disgust were still alive.
Rush Limbaugh dead at 70 - #15 by HMSGoose - boing - Boing Boing BBS

Isn’t it nice how the world feels a little bit less hateful today?

And if he had died 30 years ago there would be far less hate. Some people are just shitty people, but Rush ran the shitty people factory, and he had the production lines running 24 hours a day.

He gets the mass shooter/serial killer treatment from me. His actions won’t be forgotten but his name will be. There are better people who deserve to be remembered.
Rush Limbaugh dead at 70 - #14 by the_borderer - boing - Boing Boing BBS


I’m still allowed to say Merry Christmas without being thrown in jail thanks to Rush.


He didn’t spawn? This day keeps getting better and better!


I was more or less a dittohead in the 90’s. He was a godsend to conservatives who had no say on the national airwaves. It was exhilarating. We felt the national news and broadcasters all presented current events from a liberal point of view. He gave voice, passionately and eloquently, to the conservative lizard brain.


Super constipated the last little while. After several medical treatments, about 11am this morning, it all went away. 2 flushes worth. Not exactly happy, but physical relief leading to a feeling of well being.


Yep, I didn’t make it much past my teenage years still buying it, but it was a close call. Iraq and Katrina started and amplified my disillusionment. I stopped defending Bush against my new liberal college friends after Katrina. As a typical conservative, it was when UIGEA effected me personally that I was done. Not proud of all that, but it’s what happened when I was 21.




I stopped listening when he was a doctor shopping opioid addict. Sad to say I was still very much a conservative until fairly recently. UIGEA also started my transformation, it just took awhile.


Folks, it really is just that simple.


Uhhh, killing black people, destroying the planet, and stealing all of the motherfucking money?


Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


My own Rush experience is that I did watch his TV show and read his first book when I was first engaging with politics at about 10 or 11. His second book came out when I was 12, eight months after Clinton was inaugurated, and it was called “See, I Told You So” and blamed a bunch of America’s problems on Clinton. Even at 12 I was turned off by the total arrogance and it didn’t totally make sense to me that all these problems were caused by a guy who had just been elected (especially since it takes time to write a book). I still had a long way to go, but gratefully it wasn’t much longer until I got the Internet and got exposed to a world outside my hometown where Rush’s politics were mainstream.


Thoughts on Unstuck pooling our money together for the First Piss Rights auction?

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Yea I remember being 12ish and asking my dad to turn it off because the guy sounded like an asshole. I got in trouble


i first heard him in high school. i am pretty sure i was getting a ride home with a classmate and her younger brother, middle school age. Classmate’s mom was driving and had Rush on. After a few minutes I was basically like, who the hell is this and why is he spewing this illogical social stance, and the mom, a very recent immigrant from India, tried to explain that we should be listening to the smart things coming out of the radio.

good times.