Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

I’ve probably listened to a grand total of 90 minutes of Mark Levin and in that time he’s asserted his listeners are all very smart fifty times and made two dozen references to how he’s just always loved America ever since he was a little kid.

Such a ridiculous grift.

It really is depressing to how different the media/political landscape would be if Rush Limbaugh was never born.


I went to college with a bunch of kids from the northeast who had never heard of Limbaugh. One day we were sitting around playing Madden and I convinced them to turn it on as they thought I was lying about what they would hear.

The instant we turned it on he was making fun of homeless people. They were absolutely horrified. I feel like most liberals have no idea just how full of hate and cruelty this guy was, every single day.

The guy just appealed to the absolute worst in people, specifically white males. A completely irredeemable human being.


I don’t feel quite as happy as I thought I would about this. Mostly just relieved to have his shitty message extinguished. I hate listened to him for years as I became obsessed with USA#1 politics and he was intensely effective and really created a weird ass bond with his fans. Replacing him will be impossible. Listening to all the mega dittos since he got sick was endlessly irritating.

Feels like alot of my boogeymen have been vanquished in the last few months and I hope we keep running good




nah, lots of ways to die from lung cancer, from brutal to quick. Regardless, wasn’t bad enough imo.


My research suggested that bone cancer is the most painful form of cancer and, thus, what I should wish upon my enemies.

They’re bashing in pretty good in the politics version of that thread. But it’s not allowed in the main forum (due to politics).



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What in the actual fuck Claire


Lol, can’t imagine why Missouri Dems didn’t want to vote for her

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Catch her on MSNBC, on every show, all day



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Breaking News: Limbaugh still dead.


I don’t know anything about his family other than that he’s on his fourth wife, but fuck his family.

Still, I don’t think it’s a big deal for her to be publicly offering her condolences to his brother if he’s actually a friend.

I am glad he lived long enough to see Trump lose



Also worth remembering that Claire McCaskill is a Democrat, who ran from the right and lost and blamed it on trans politics.


Why publicly? If she’s actually friends with him, she can offer them privately.

The truth about Rush is that he was a deliberately cruel, malevolent scumbag and hypocrite who constantly sought to incite hate against vulnerable people. If you’re not willing to utter this truth publicly, then just shut the fuck up. Casting opposition to Rush as ordinary political disagreement (“we rarely agreed, but…”) is another example of the complete inability of Democrats to name villains and connect their villainy to real-world consequences.

The exception is Trump because 1) he hasn’t been around long enough to be considered part of the opposing establishment - note eDem resistance to conceding that Trump is representative of the GOP writ large - and 2) he’s dumb, and Democrats have more vitriol for the stupid than they do for the evil.


Completely agree. If a Dem cannot bring themselves to say mean (accurate) things about Rush, they have no business making any comment, and probably no business being in politics.

BTW Rush would have been an easy #1 if I had the first pick in our draft.


I have had some friends texting me saying things like “I feel kind of bad for saying it, but I’m glad he’s dead.” They feel a lot better about themselves when I reply “I wish that motherfucker had died 30 years ago. Fuck him. Rot in hell you miserable fascist turd”