Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Not a pro wrestling fan I guess

I guess you could still say my take on it is tasteless though.

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Can’t believe I have to even say this but can we please post with a little compassion and humility. (Except towards right wing radio hosts and religious nutjobs)

Sorry about your mom

Not sorry about rush

This isn’t hard

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Bob Dole.

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Bob Dole peaced out:


Hopefully, mods do the right thing with your post

EDIT: Nice work @otatop

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Dole’s legacy is really obscured by his Presidential election loss. I am a big believer that most of today’s biggest problems can be traced back Reagan’s success at selling Stupid Conservative Libertarian Populism (“Boomerism”) as a philosophy of life and government administration. Dole was Senate majority leader for a good chunk of the Reagan Era. Just look at the garbage legislation that Dole and his cronies passed in Congress in the 80s that are still causing widespread suffering and damage in 2021:

Tax Reform Act - drops marginal tax rate from 50% to 28%.
Immigration Reform and Control Act - illegalizes hiring illegal immigrants
Firearm Owners Protection Act - Removed the power of the ATF to enforce regulations on businesses manufacturing, importing, and selling guns

Just absurdly awful garbage. Right after Dole was Senate majority leader, the Dems actually won both houses and we immediately see legislation in Congress with a different flavor: Homeless Assistance, two separate Civil Rights acts, the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act, and act funding AIDS education, research, and testing.

If Americans weren’t all going to die from climate change or stray bullets or medical bankruptcy, the contrast would be so absurd it would actually be comical. Both sides thought, Republicans say, etc.


Did Bob Dole overdose on milk?

I knew Bobby D was not long for this world when Norm died.


Remember when the media slurps Dole he was an enthusiastic Trump supporter.




Dying at 98 means he won that one


Definitely selling their souls for mortal life.

Hatred is the elixir of life. It’s why Kissinger is still alive.

That plus the child blood and fresh adrenochrome.

Happy Rush-free new year!


What a glowing article for this covidiot. FAAFO. Nature wins over stupidity. Again.


Anybody game for a Celebrity Death Pool?