Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

More or less true. Banality of evil. Still evil. The subtext of me pointing out that he should not be excused is that it applies to the half the country or more who fell for the bullshit, not that he’s some special evil snowflake. Everyone should look to be less gullible, naive, xenophobic/patriotic sheep in the future. I’m talking to the 30, 40, 50% of the people here on this site who gave Powell and these shits the benefit of the doubt more than I’m talking about Powell. I don’t give a shit about him. He’s dead.


Both of my parents independently mentioned Powell dying. Both were unimpressed when I said good riddance to a war criminal. Silly boomers.

Boomers just love authority.

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A) We are better than Iraqis so we can decide whether or not to kill hundreds of thousands of them by sanctions or with bombs because there’s some chance they maybe maybe might try to do us harm in the future somehow.

B) Snotty leftists thinking they are better than well-meaning honorable men like Colin Powell.

C) People dancing on the graves of anti-vaxxers.



Long after Vietnam, Robert S McNamara wrote a retrospective on how decision-makers fucked up and what lessons to take away from the mess. We never really got anything like that from Powell or Rumsfeld or any of the jackasses behind the Forever Wars. IIRC Powell kinda sorta admitted that the yellowcake aluminum tube stuff was bullshit but still insisted the war was still a worthwhile idea.

And of course there was no accountability whatsoever for anyone involved with America’s 2nd-biggest foreign policy fuckup. W laundered his reputation, none of his underlings got so much as yelled at in a restaurant after starting a 20-year war on completely false pretexts.


Literally killed 500,000 people, at least. Less than zero accountability for anyone. We are the baddies.

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To your point, up to 50% of the people on this very website love him!

Kissinger is still out there living his best life, in case anyone was wondering.

Dick Cheney and his resistance hero scumbag daughter, too. Among others.

No one here loves W. His approval rating toward the end was worse than Trump’s record low.

There’s a Frontline where Rumsfeld admitted they had no plan for after they took Baghdad. I couldn’t believe my ears. Horrifying. Disgusting. The whole Bush crew were war criminals. Oh yeah, then Bremer fires the Iraqi army en masse. More genius at work. Powell found out on TV.

No repercussions for any of them. Heck Michelle Obama plays giggles and footsie or some shit with Bush whenever they meet. Makes my blood boil.

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Dunno what you deleted, but I was alive in the world where W had a 90% approval rating and then after 2003 when it was over 70%.

I always assumed you were at least 20 years old.

Also, it turns out, Madeleine Albright.

It’s okay though. Pentagon got more money than they asked for. I’m sure it won’t be used to start more dumb wars.



“It is not an infant formula factory…It was a biological weapons facility, of that we are sure.” - Colin Powell (1991)

Right after we blew up the only only infant formula factory in Iraq.

He knew exactly what he was doing in 2003.


Where do you think future terrorists come from? No formula….

I know it isn’t going to end the way we want, but we need to start a Dennis Prager watch updated every day.

lol. stolen from twitter but I can’t get to the tweet to link it because fuck you twitter