Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Uh, nope. Don’t smack your wife.

Edit: fuck it. messed up posting form; (I ain’t no techno nerd).

Drugs and alcohol affect emotions and decision making. Not being sober doesn’t make it ok to hit people but it’s a factor if you’re judging a person’s character or actions. I don’t think we disagree.

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We don’t.

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Oh captain my captain


Yosser Hughes his best character.

“Gissa job”

“I’m desperate, Dan”

Shit, I’d forgotten all about Boys from the Black Stuff.

17 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bump this thread when terrible famous people die


Dudes worth 30 billion and I’ve never heard of him, funny.

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I initially thought his co-founder had died which would have been much better because that guy is a Trumpy far right piece of shit.


I guess Batman really could get away with having a secret identity.


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Anyone who smokes tobacco inside around other people who didn’t consent to knowing about it is an asshole.


This is a 21st Century mindset. I know you haven’t forgotten that in some states people continued smoking at work and in stores practically up to the Millennium.

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It’s nice and all that he funded basic science research instead of using his wealth for more nefarious causes but can we please tax the ever-loving fuck out of these billionaire philanthropists.


It’s actually better to let him keep the money, because he can more efficiently allocate where that money should be spent, instead of it being subjected to the inefficiencies of government bureaucracy. I think it’s called effective altruism or something.


Nah man, the assholeness of that is timeless. It would be like saying, “Not enslaving black people is just a late 19th century mindset. Prior to that slavery was commonplace.” Yes, it was common, but it wouldn’t take a genius in the early 1800s to see that that shit was heinously wrong. It just happened to be tolerated then, so people did it.

Same with smoking. You don’t have a whole lot of brain power to realize that forcing someone to inhale smoke that you’re putting out is a dick move. The fact that it was common and legal doesn’t make it less so.

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No it’s called the gilded age. We are in a repeat. For every billionaire that does net good with their money there are multiples that do not. (And I’m not really going to argue that the net positive unicorn actually exists, Andrew Carnegie didnt exactly accumulate his library building bucks via benevolent means).

Not sure if you are serious.