Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Oh wow I remember listening to the MacNeil/Lehrer New Hour in dad’s car as a very young boy. Would have never guessed that MacNeil guy lived to see 2024, amazing.

Dude’s a murderer and even robbed some place after getting away with the murder too.

Saw something something about OJ doing all cash under the table deals to hide his money from the Goldmans.

They should set an IRS office just to go after the effing taxes that were avoided. OJ estate and whoever did business with him. Lock em up. In fact I’d garnish his damn corpse.

MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour was so much more gangsta than I gave it credit for.


I can’t find anything questionable in his Wikipedia entry and he voted against the Iraq AUMF, so I think he goes here.



Convicted of domestic battery after one incident. I don’t know if there were others. History of drugs and alcohol. Probably not evil but maybe we need a thread for dead complicated people.

Anyway The Allman Brothers were the first live concert I ever went to.

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There’s a Molly Hatchet song where they insult a series of other southern rockers and promote Florida over other southern states. (Gator Country)

Richard Betts will tell you Lord he was born a ramblin man
Well he can ramble on back to Georgia and I won’t give a damn

I’m not sure most Molly Hatchet fans in the 80s even knew who Dickie Betts was, but surely Betts got the last laugh as Molly Hatchet quickly faded into relative obscurity while the Allman Brothers will endure.

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Nobody deserves to be in this thread


Why would that make him bad?

History of excessive fried food and sugar intake. Would that make John Goodman bad?

Allman Bros were pretty great and a positive thing in this world.

I’m not a philosopher. Society generally frowns on it. Excess use is bad. Any use in some circumstances is bad. It got him thrown out of the band. Otoh maybe it could be considered a mitigating factor in his smacking his wife. The Allman Brothers were a great band and he was a big part of that. It’s complicated, but I still put him in this thread.

Generally, but not always, people with a history of drug and alcohol abuse have done things that harmed other people. Whether or not that makes them bad people is not for me to judge. As I recovered alcoholic and drug addict I definitely think that I was more sick than bad, and am grateful that I am now well. But I can definitely understand some of the people I harmed not seeing it that way.


Loss of a legend. Good obituary. Nice that they linked to several other of his obituaries at the end.

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Really used to enjoy Stump the Schwab. Shelf life was nowhere near long enough


Yeah, he seemed like a nice guy.

Was like $2000 Jeopardy questions for hardcore sports fans.

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You got the right thread.

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