Boomer / MAGA memes and meme-ish posts


Hahaha I actually like that Noah one

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Wait what? The story of creation is the original fact check

  • Day one: God creates light, separates it from darkness, and calls the light day and the darkness night
  • Day two: God creates the sky by separating the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth
  • Day three: God creates dry land, seas, plants, and trees
  • Day four: God creates the sun, moon, and stars
  • Day five: God creates sea creatures and flying creatures
  • Day six: God creates land animals and humans in his image
  • Day seven: God rests and makes the seventh day a holy day







“Professional or technical degree” is some galaxy brain shit. So colleges ought to be filled with MAGA, right? Funny how multiple studies and surveys show Trump does worse with more highly educated people. I’m sure its all fake news.


You’ve fallen for the bait. Normally you can’t argue with the people who post these memes because they are either not capable of rational thought or they are too deep in the cult to care.

On this forum these memes are posted by people who don’t agree with them to cause some sort of argument blue ball condition so that you learn to stop engaging with the crazy people.

That’s my guess as to why this thread exist.


I’m aware of all of that. I’m kind of just idly musing about what might be going through whatever boomer’s head who made that meme. I understand that actually engaging with one on this issue for anything other than the purpose of trolling (which I find amusing sometimes), is completely pointless.

Yeah, sorry. I know that you know that. I don’t really get the point - just guessing.

That was from my “favorite crackpot” from the bridge club that I have referenced numerous times here. She hadn’t been posting much recently MAGAish but man that was a banger. I feel like the purpose of this thread is, these fuckers actually exist.

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I don’t know. The meme feels more shitpost-y in origin. Or they randomly picked one of the worst cartoon characters to embody those traits. Jerry definitely lacks common sense and I think he was mostly a stay-at-home dad, though I don’t pay much attention to the plot.

I was also a bit perplexed by “regular church/temple attendance”

Like, who is being embraced into the MAGA family here? Jews? Mormons? Hindus?

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When they say “temple” they mean Trump Tower.


It’s a “No True Scotsman” thing. The educated people that oppose Trump are brainwashed by liberal DEI loving communist universities funded by Soros. At REAL centers of learning (like a community college in Mobile, Alabama) everyone agrees that Trumpism is just common sense.

Hard to get a Professional degree at a community college. Maybe a technical degree if auto repair and such counts, but I’m not sure that’s what they had in mind.