Boomer / MAGA memes and meme-ish posts

OK so I have a fake Facebook simply because of a dumb iPhone game I play. As a result, I have like 1000 “friends” through this random game. Sometimes I look through the Facebook feed and the stuff these people post is often amazing. For some reason today I decided I should no longer hoard these for myself.


This thread has serious potential. I see so many noomer posts that don’t really fit in any other thread, but are hilarious and need to be shared.

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omg I can just link my mother’s Facebook feed to this thread and you’ll have shitty memes forever.


I have no specific content to add but I have a friend who shares memes like this (he’s not even a boomer, he’s like 40) and tags them all with “#NailedIt”. For some reason this sends my lawnmower into the highest of orbits.


hahahah. I think when I post more I’ll include replies, because those are also #gold.


Thread has infinite potential



So many questions. Why Bill Gates? Why would he ever go to McDonald’s? If so, so? Does Warren have to pay? That’s not McDonald’s, is it? What’s happening in the background? Is World’s Amazing Factz a reliable source for other things too?


Youve never been to a Mcdonalds with bookcase wallpaper and a giant clock?

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What about one with a juke box and beverages served in glasses?

Boomers truly will believe and repost anything.

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When Bill Gates was a child and got access that computer terminal at his private school the first program he created was a way to automate entries into a free McDonald’s for life contest and won it and that’s what caught Paul Allen’s attention and caused them to start Microsoft together, so this is actually true.


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Jeez I’m uncomfortable posting this even to make fun of someone posting it

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It’s so weird that these people know of the ultimate lifehack of not working and getting to live a life of luxury but their pride forces them to keep working 60 hours a week instead.