***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

So should I wait 12 hours to make my pick? Or want me to pick now? I’m not sure on those hints at all.

Fine. I’ll put up some shitty writeups to keep it going.

JAQing off here, you could always just pm me your picks if youd prefer

Oh ok I get Winnie now at least duh. I’m bad at hints.

Let’s play a game here:

Who has…

enshrined his thought into constitutional law?

oppressed a Muslim minority of over 11 million people via re-education camps and imprisonment in hard labor camps?

removed the term limits of his own leadership?

had arrested human rights lawyers and activists who report on his disdain for dissent, human decency and minorities?

created a “Social Credit System” in order to incentivize behavior he sees as socially acceptable?

systematically suppressed Christianity to a level not seen in decades?

developed a cult of personality by centralizing power under him?

led a country Donald Trump rants about continuously since 2012?

has had references to Winnie the Pooh blocked due to his perceived resemblance to the cartoon character?

The answer to all of those questions is:

Winnie the Pooh’s cousin and the President of The People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping


I’ll let eyebooger take on the next writeup.

Our team is a Murderer’s Row of vile world leaders. Might be responsible for more death worldwide combined than any other team so far.

Donald Trump
Jair Bolsonaro
Kim Jong-un
Xi Jinping

Will the trend continue? You’ll find out with eyebooger comes online!

China under Xi is an American right wet dream come true.

Ethnic cleansing of Muslims, including but not limited to sending party officials to live in homes of Muslim families and sleep in the beds of women who’s husbands have been sent to concentration camps. (Obviously could go and on about the situation in Xinjiang.)

An anti-corruption drive that is 100% a means to arrest and/or terrify any government officials who are outside of the leader’s clique (moving up in CCP without corruption would be like moving up in MS-13 without having committed a violent crime).

The arrest and disappearance of human rights lawyers, mostly for the crime of representing someone with a legitimate legal claim against local government, and preventing the young son of one of the most prominent from attending elementary school.

Arresting and disappearing student marxists who have advocated for better treatment of factory workers.

Beyond that CCP han-centric nationalism is almost identical to white nationalism in the US: “Despite getting our asses cucked over and over again in recent history, we are the world’s most superior race. Just need everyone to stop interfering with our shit.”

As soon as Xi declared himself president for life propaganda signs on road corners and bus stops went up everywhere and changed from generic “be patriotic, be civilized” etc… to “support Xi Jinping’s fight for a new Chinese era”.

Prior to that I’d never seen any reference to Xi or any political figure in propaganda signs outside.

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Sent my pick to eyebooger. Good night.

Just woke up. Lemme put something together.

Our 5th pick is (surprise!) another authoritarian asshole leader of country.

Because of this country’s unique position geographically, our next pick could have used his power to do a lot of good, both for his people and for the entire region. Nope. He’d much rather just have power, suppress opposition, and go on ethnic cleansing campaigns.

Welcome to the team, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Being the Prime Minister for 11 years, then the President immediately following that for the last 6 years, Erdogan has amassed and consolidated a shitload of power to no one’s benefit but his own. Bucking the trend of presidential neutrality in the county, Erdogan vowed to take a much more active role after his 2014 election. In fact, the position of Prime Minister that he held for the 11 years doesn’t even exist anymore because fuck you that’s why.

Much like other authoritarian dicks, Erdogan doesn’t care much for media that criticizes him. Turkey’s standing in the world with regard to freedom of the press has declined precipitously during his tenure. He has jailed journalists that expose his corruption, and even blocked access to Wikipedia.

His push for power has led to legislative victories that have basically rendered any check on his power toothless. He is now a dictator in all but name.

Finally, there is the well-publicized treatment of the Kurdish ethnic minority. Not that Kurdish-Turkey relations were great before, but Erdogan has taken them to a very dark new path. In October of last year, Turkish forces invaded Kurdish lands on the Turkey/Syria border after our first round pick decided to abandon our allies in the region.

Videos of Kurdish people being stripped from their homes and vehicles circulated widely across the internet. I decided not to watch others, which apparently show civilians getting shot and white phosphorus burns of children.

And there are no consequences for any of this. Erdogan thugs beat up protesters in Washington DC during the Erdogan/Trump meeting in 2017. Did anything happen? Of course not. Assholes always win.


Here is who @Chuckleslovakian wants in the 5th round:

Maybe there are bigger assholes out there. But this fucker pisses me the fuck off.

So I want to show Unstuck is capable of reaching across the aisle and picking a “democrat” for this draft

Joe Lieberman

This fucker as a VP candidate lost to Cheney

He endorsed McCain

He still has the fucking gall to write op-eds to FOX saying AOC isn’t the future of the democratic party


Oh and I still haven’t even got to the part where he had the key vote for a lot of the ACA provisions. Public option? Medicare expansion? Fuck him

I’ll let this rant do my work for me


Seriously fuck Joe Lieberman. Fuck you.


@CanadaMatt3004 is up.

Player Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
superbooger Donald Trump Jair Bolsonaro Kim Jong-un Xi Jinping Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
chuckles Mitch McConnell Newt Gingrich Bashar al-Assad Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Joe Lieberman
Matt Sean Hannity Marsha Blackburn Rodrigo Duterte Tucker Carlson Undrafted
zikzak Richard Sackler Mohammed bin Salman Pat Robertson Undrafted Undrafted
hokie Steve Bannon Aung San Suu Kyi Jeff Bezos Brett Kavanaugh Undrafted
NotBruceZ Ronald Ernest Paul Benjamin Netanyahu Vince McMahon Grover Norquist Undrafted
LFS Dick Cheney Rush Limbaugh Omar al-Bashir Ann Coulter Undrafted
TimBuktuuf Goatse Sepp Blatter Isaiah Gregg Mike Bloomberg Undrafted
TrueNorth32 Rupert Murdoch Charles Koch Stephen Miller Harvey Weinstein Undrafted
Riverman Henry Kissinger Vladimir Putin Clarence Thomas Bill Cosby Undrafted

I am raring to go with my fifth round pick. FWIW.

Can’t believe we are already that close to the bonus SPITE round. I trust y’all will not disappoint. Unless you spite pick chuckles. That dude is a national treasure.

Alright, with my final pick, a no brainer final pick if there ever was one imo.


I mean, comeon.

Seriously dude, get your shit together. You shill for slumlords, hate black people with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, and are the epitome of “Fuck ya’ll, got mine.” Enjoy your 1200 bucks, asshole.


Jesus. Not even the spite round. I am hyped to see who you pick next :popcorn:

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I swear to god, if I get sniped on mine I’m going to break everything in my living room.

Or I would, if I thought I could get any of it repaired or replaced in the next three months.

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Wanted Inso0 for the spite round.