***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

You need the perseverance of an asshole to be this single-minded about a single issue for decades.

How can someone who married a Palestinian Muslim and has served on the advisory board for the conservative gay rights group GOProud be such a key figure in the conservative movement? Because social conservatism isn’t the spine holding together the Republican coalition. This man’s key issue is the nexus of evil.

He helped write Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America, was a guiding light of the Tea Party movement, and is credited with securing the Republican presidential nomination for George W. Bush.

But his key issue is and always has been taxes. He always wants to cut taxes and opposes any tax increase. He’s gotten almost every Republican to pledge to never increase taxes, which has lead to the GOP consistently trying to use debt ceiling showdowns as leverage to try and cut taxes.

The Republican monomania with tax cuts, driven by the ridiculous libertarian notion that taxation is theft, is in large part due to the efforts of this man, chosen by Bill Barr to head Americans for Tax Reform, which was founded at the behest of Ronald Reagan.

(If he worships anything, it is Ronald Reagan, a man I truly and utterly despise. He leads the Reagan Legacy Project, a crusade to have something named after Reagan in every county of every state, with his biggest victory being a renaming of the Washington National Airport. If he had his way, he would replace Teddy Roosevelt with Reagan on Mount Rushmore. It’s not surprising that one asshole’s hero is another asshole.)

With the 35th overall pick, the 5th pick of the fourth round, I select Grover Norquist.

It’s go-time, @hokie


My favorite is Jimmy Carr’s joke.

Man there are a shitton of assholes. There have been a handful picked that didn’t even make my top 50 and two of my top 10 are still around.

I proposed to extend the draft past 5 rounds before this started and I maintain that we should go round-by-round after the 5th to see if there’s still interest.

We could also open it up to selections by anyone, only if accompanied by an appropriate write-up of course. I agree, plenty of assholes to go.

I think I’ve made my pick. Will write it up shortly.

I would much rather we do a second draft and allow for different people to participate. Five rounds is not a lot, but that’s sort of the point. Limited space means you really need to think about who you want to draft.

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A lot of drafters have been going BAA (best asshole available), but I’m trying to assemble a well-rounded team of assholes. That is why, for my next pick, I’m going with credibly-accused sexual predator and all-around piece of shit, Brett Michael Kavanaugh. He may not have the longest list of victims, but I think he is the most powerful sexual predator remaining on the board due to the incredible influence he will have over the next few decades of American life (and beyond).


Brett is most well-known for being our most-recent appointee for life to the US Supreme Court, but his assholery stretches back decades.

Brett went to high school at noted prep school for assholes Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, Maryland. During high school, he attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford, an allegation that has been corroborated by: an interview with Ford’s husband, a lie-detector test, and notes from her therapy sessions years before Kavanaugh was a national name.

In college at Yale, Brett was described by one classmate as an “aggressive and even belligerent” drunk. One classmate alleged that Brett put his dick in her face at a party. Another alleged that Kavanaugh and friends would spike punch to get girls inebriated before gang-raping them, and that she was one of the victims.

There was an additional allegation sent as an anonymous letter to a Senator alleging a physical assault of a woman as recently as 1998 in Washington, DC. Let’s be honest–where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and there’s a fuckton of smoke that has been following Brett around his whole life.

Speaking of the 90s, when Brett wasn’t being a sexual predator he was honing his assholery in other ways. While working with Ken Starr in 1993, Brett was influenced by conservative conspiracy theories and reopened an investigation into the gunshot death of Vincent Foster. After three years of re-investigation, they again concluded that Foster had committed suicide. In 1998, again working with Starr, Brett was the principal author of the Starr Report arguing for the impeachment of [UNDRAFTED]. Kavanaugh was noted to have urged Starr to ask [UNDRAFTED] sexually graphic questions, and contributed to the explicit descriptions and extensive level of detail describing [UNDRAFTED]'s sexual encounters with Lewinsky within the report.

In 2000, Kavanaugh joined [A DIFFERENT UNDRAFTED]'s legal team to try to stop the ballot recount in Florida. He was rewarded by joining the administration as an associate of the White House Counsel.

In 2003 he was nominated to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, but his nomination stalled in the Senate for three years. Dick Durbin once referred to him as the “Forrest Gump” of Republican politics. The American Bar Association eventually downgraded Kavanaugh’s rating from “well qualified” to “qualified”. He was confirmed anyways. Afterwards, two Senators accused him of lying to the Judiciary Committe during the confirmation process when he denied being involved in formulating the [UNDRAFTED] administration’s inhumane detention and interrogation policies, which he definitely did because he was in the office of the White House Counsel. This was backed up by other lawyers who said Brett believed SC Justice [UNDRAFTED] would not approve of denying legal counsel to prisoners detained as enemy combatants. Nothing happened to Brett, because nothing fucking matters.

His decisions have been as horrid as his behavior and always shit on the little guy, often getting overturned by superior courts–but again, nothing matters. He continuously tries to deny abortion rights, dissented when the DC Circuit upheld the ACA, supported challenging the constitutionality of the CFPB, tried to strike down the Clean Air Act, and on and on.

Upon his nomination to the Supreme Court he acted like a complete spoiled brat being justly denied something for the first time in his life. He yelled at Senators during his confirmation hearing and lied repeatedly. He was still confirmed to the Supreme Court, because nothing matters, and his predator ass will now sit in robes for the remainder of his life making the country (and world) a worse place. Fuck you, Brett Kavanaugh.


  • Steve Bannon , destroying democracy and installing alt-right regimes worldwide
  • Aung San Suu Kyi , overseer of ethnic cleansing, genocide, a crackdown on journalism, and an all-around humanitarian crisis
  • Jeff Bezos, rich dweeb
  • Brett Kavanaugh, sexual predator, liar, and shitty, partisan judge for the rest of his life

That only proves my point.

Rocket engineers and those who hire them are insecure about their manhood and build rockets shaped like dicks to compensate.

A++ write up.

Wowwwwwwwwwwwww A+ writeup and A++ pick

About damn time.

Grunching but anyone who pisses off Prince Andrew and the whole of the FA is not the worst person in the world.


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I just wrote a bunch of paragraphs about [undrafted] and then changed my mind about the pick. Now I’m too tired to find a replacement so I will pass on this round. lol draft strategy.

@CanadaMatt3004 is up.


Pretty sure I’ve got the steal of the draft.

Sure, everyone on this list is awful, but we aren’t drafting the most awful person, the most evil person, or the worst overall person. We are drafting the biggest asshole.

And when you think the word asshole, there should be only one person who’s visage personifies the concept of asshole as a whole. The person who so closely resembles an asshole, that every time the orifice in the center of his face opens up, it spews nothing but pure, unadulterated shit in a never ending stream. A man who has the very definition of a punchable face, a grown fucking adult who wore naught but bowties until a few years ago. The undisputed leader of the Young Nazi club of America, who wields his tremendous medial power to attempt to usher in a new wave of racist, sexist, and every single last one of the phobics you can think of as the leaders of the country.

He is vile, disgusting, and of everyone on this list so far, he is the one I am most sure I would not be able to spend more than 3 seconds with without flying into a rage at just how much of an asshole he is being in my presence.




Look on his face, ye mighty, and despair.


Tucker is the rare pick that feels right no matter where you place him. He could have been the #1 pick or the #last pick and they’d both feel appropriate.


@Chuckleslovakian is up

“I haven’t seen you laugh this hard since Trayvon Martin got shot” is a dagger. What’s not included in that vid is her straight up bombing with “jokes” about liberals. I mean ffs I could have written a dozen or two that people would at least laught at.

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So I’ve looking for an under the radar asshole, and boy I found a big one. Let me give you the president of Equatorial Guinea

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo


Just look at this asshole


Just look at him.

If you go to his wikipedia you get this


Further information: Human rights in Equatorial Guinea

That’s right. You know you are a monster when under presidency you get further info, human rights.

So where to begin. He overtook his uncle in a coup that killed 400 in 1979. He has been president ever since. He pulls all the Putin moves. Fuck opposition parties weren’t even legal until 1992. But that is just a show. There are no newspapers and all broadcast media are government owned or by allies. Cross him and you are likely captured and tortured.

In July 2003, state-operated radio declared Obiang “the country’s word” with “all power over men and things.” It added that the president was “in permanent contact with the Almighty” and “can decide to kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to hell.” He personally made similar comments in 1993.

I mean good god.

But in the 1990s oil was discovered off of Equatorial Guinea’s coast! Think this went to the citizens? Hell no. But Obiang is worth over 600 million.

He made his son vice president. This fucker has an instagram account and doesn’t mind showing off his wealth.


Lets see what the rest of the country looks like


Fuck this asshole



Don’t have time for a proper writeup but here’s one hint for each pick to keep you until booger comes back: