***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

Insane value in Round 3.

Also the only asshole I’m aware of who has achieved a sub-40 eighteen hole golf score.


Guess he topped his father eh?

Gonna be honest and a bit egotistical but I think eyebooger and myself have the best team so far. Never in a million years would I think that we’d get 3 out of our top 5 in this draft.

And his brother

I’ve got my duo of fucking asshole Republicans so time to diversify. Hate to just copy and paste somebody’s write up. But this does the job perfectly.

Massive Civilian killings:

Till the date, more than 0.5 million (500,000) people have died under his brutalitarian regime. He has personally managed to kill his people and bomb their houses with families inside.

Horrible war crimes: ( I am not going to share sensitive images ).

  1. Usage of Chemical weapons [1] :
    According to UN, the Bashaar used the chemical and toxic weapons against the citizens and for more than 85 times [2] . Yes, you read it right!
  2. Usage of barrel bombs [3] :
    He conducted well-planned genocide on Syrians. He used Barrel bombs which don’t discriminate between the fighters and the civilians. He dropped more than seventy thousand (70,000) [4] barrel bombs resulting in the destruction of houses, hospitals, and the infrastructure.
  3. Tortured to death [5] :
    Recent reports show that Bashaar has been signing secret ‘torture to death’ prescriptions of, thousands of Syrians. Till the date, he has sentenced thirteen thousand (13,000) Syrians to death.
  4. Sahaba Militia (Jaysh al-Shabi) including Qod’s Force [6] :
    He has shaken hands with the warlords, smugglers, criminals and the terrorist religious zealots for the sole reason i-e to extend the period of horrific crimes against Syrians.
  5. Infant’s killings:
    There have been a lot of speculations about the killing of infants and kids in Syria, whereas, the reality also is not very different.
    1 in 4 died civilians, are the kids.

Media personnel persecution and killing:

There are many undocumented events and facts about the Syrian war crimes and related figures because the media coverage is not allowed or is highly discouraged. Only the media houses which run under the bloody aid and dictation of Bashar, are allowed to cover the massacre’s ‘Bashar version of the truth’ for his illegitimate supporters and solacers.

According to Independent News agency, 65 journalists have been taken down by Bashar’s forces and militias.

Killing of doctors and paramedics staff:

It’s the human rights violations according to Geneva convention report of UN i-e quenching the chances to survive. The doctors and paramedics staff is harassed and intruded by the Bashar and company, towards performing their duties. Till the date, fifteen thousand (15,000) doctors and paramedics staff have left the country due to the fear of target killing. The world has already received the news about the planned killings of the paramedic staff.

Food and goods shortage:

Food shortage along with the medicines and other necessities of life are the outgrowth of such rebellious brutalitarian regime.
Nearly 0.4 million (400,000) people including kids are starving in Syria. They have already denied from being provided the necessities of the life.

9 Million Refugees!!!

Hell yeah, 9 million refugees. This crazy piece of sh*t wants to rule on empty fields. Syrian government due to it’s planned genocide against citizens have feared 9 million citizens to flee from its territories.


Round 3 Pick 22

Bashar al-Assad


Team of assholes

Moscow Mitch
Newt Gingrich
Bashar Al-Assad


@CanadaMatt3004 is up

Assad was next on my list. Fucking asshole.

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Great picks lately. Eating away at the top of my board quickly.

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Yeah I was taking Un or Assad.

that was my next pick

Assad was my BPA and the last person in my top 5. Excellent pick chuckles.

The second round took out most of our remaining top 10 from the first round.

Who hates the gays, kills children, and extradiciously murders pretty much anybody he feels like?

Rodrigo Duterte

Hes not just an asshole. Hes a child murdering asshole. And much, much more.

Fuck this guy. Welcome to the team


@zikzak is up

Was hoping that Duterte might slip under the radar and be available at the end of round 4.

Fuck off. Another one of my top 10 gone! Only got 2 left.

I remember Dave Chappelle doing a bit on cops killing people and sprinkling a little crack on them. I mean that was a joke but Duterte does it for real. Kills a motherfucker, sprinkles some crack, and that’s that.

For Round 3 I’m going with a battle tested warhorse. This asshole has seen it all and been involved in most of it, from the unique position of somebody who shouldn’t have. But not only did he refuse to stay in his own lane, he was a leading pioneer of the movement to destroy one of this country’s foundational cornerstones.

Unlike many past and contemporary political systems, ours was founded (ostensibly, anyway) on the premise that religion and governance were separate realms. And for most of our history that was more or less adhered to, up until the 1970’s. Then things began to change, led at first by Jerry Fallwell who had the good sense to die long before this draft. While there were others, few had the courage to be both openly political to the point of running for the presidency while also being batshit insane.


That unique crown sits on the head of Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson.

Sure, he has a long list of achomlishments, such as founding The 700 Club, The Christian Broadcasting Network, Regent University, The Christian Coalition, and many others. But that’s not all!

Most public figures these days have a ‘Controversies’ section in their Wikipedia entry. Pat, however, has an entire god damn page devoted to his, and it’s long. Like, real long.

Wait, there’s even more! Kooky ol’ Pat makes predictions too! He gets the inside deets direct from God, but they’re all wrong because even God thinks Pat Robertson is an asshole and wants to embarrass him publicly.

Pat is very very old and has been in poor health for years. Thought and prayers, asshole.


Go time for @hokie

Also I want to clarify, in the case of any confusion, that I have drafted Pat Robertson, and not Robert Pattinson. They are different people!


I’m here and writing up via phone, will post in a few.

One more mention of an Undrafted by name and you will get a temp ban


Time for some more experimentation.