***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

You’ll be able to drop it in an hour True. Patience is a virtue

The think I’m most looking forward to now is chuckles’ Mitch McConnell write up.


Mike Bloomberg may have figuratively lit money on fire…

We’re asking a lot of men, in light of the #MeToo movement, how men can grow in 2018.

The who?

The #MeToo movement. Women speaking out about sexual assault.

When you say “me too” … When somebody is like, “I got a Rolls Royce, I be like ‘me too.'” When somebody say they got a private jet, I say, “Me too. I got two. Me too.”

This is a very different —

Well, I didn’t know! My Me Too movement from the beginning was whenever somebody said what they have I’m like, “me too.” Somebody say they got a billion dollars, I say, “I made a billion dollars, me too.”



"The mother of Mayweather’s oldest daughter, was the victim. She later [claimed in a lawsuit that Mayweather] “swung open a car door, hitting her jaw, pushed her into the car and punched her several times in the face and body”

" According to the arrest report, the victim, Josie Harris, got home at 2:30 a.m. on a night in September 2010 to find Mayweather talking to their two sons. The two got into a verbal altercation and Harris called the police, the report said.

The police report said Mayweather left after the police arrived, but returned at 5 a.m. with his friend James McNair.

Harris told police that she woke up to Mayweather standing over her reading her text messages. When she admitted she was dating someone, he allegedly started hitting her.

Harris told police that Mayweather hit her in the back of the head, pulled her off a couch by her hair, and told her, “I’m going to kill you and the man you’re messing with.”

One of Mayweather’s sons saw the fight, ran out of the house, and alerted a friend of his mother’s, who called the police, according to the police report."


Pick 5: Floyd Mayweather Jr



Wow @ the Mayweather pic. Absolutely an asshole but there are definitely more prolific women abusers out there who are just lesser known.

Hell, he isn’t even the biggest asshole in boxing. Just the most well-known one.

Ok, here we go.

I had not originally planned to take my last pick. I doubt anyone else had either. I mean…

He’s never killed anybody that I know of (maybe from boredom).

He’s not a billionaire (in fact, he’s much less well off than he should be, given the opportunities he’s had).

He’s not a shitty policy maker (although he did have a government job once that he hated, and he does approve of shitty policy).

He’s not a well-known media asshole — in fact, he’s not well-known at all outside of his niche.

He is a sour, insufferable know-it-all libertarian asshole, but those are a dime a dozen.

So why is this guy so special that I decided he he deserved to be picked in the main draft, and not relegated to the spite list or someone’s “here’s who you should’ve picked” list?

Simple — because his assholery is the reason we’re all here right now.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you…


Mason Malmuth

Now, although I’ve been on 22 since the very first iteration before the boom (20 years!), I’m not as well-versed in the ins and outs of the forum as other here are. So, I’m going to crowdsource the rest of this writeup. Please chime in with your best “MM is a complete asshole” stories. Examples could include, but are not limited to:

  • His petty feud with Daniel Negreanu

  • His petty feud with Paul Phillips

  • His petty feud with NeverWin Poker

  • His petty feud with Dutch Boyd (in which he somehow came out looking worse than Dutch)

  • His petty feud with Dr. Tricia Cardner, to the point where he wrote the worst 22 book ever and the worst book on poker psychology ever just to “prove her wrong”

  • His petty feud with minimal social graces

  • His threat to nuke the Poker Legislation forum on his own website because he didn’t like the PPA’s logo that was not even posted anywhere on his site

  • His threat to ban someone for lying about what Mason said one time…despite that person’s only action being to post a completely accurate tweet from Mason’s own Twitter account

  • His threat to lay off staff because of Obamacare

  • His disgust over the unmitigated hatred in his Politics subforum, and apparent denial that cesspools like BBV4L, OOT and NVG (and now P&S) are also things that exist on his forum

  • His love of Confederate generals

  • His belief in the Trump poker boom

Don’t let me down, Unstuck.

@Riverman is up.




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I need a few hours.

I think you just sniped everyone’s first choice for a sixth spite round. I gave some thought to taking him, but decided it was more fun to take Harris.

I’m glad someone else recognizes how bad his poker psychology book is. I’m sorry if that you (presumably) read it. I like to describe it as the least essential poker book ever. It’s not even incredibly wrong (and poker books that are very wrong are still useful because they can give insight into how some exploitable players think); it’s just an incredibly pointless book that doesn’t cover any interesting ground and was written out of spite for another person.

Any bets on whether he had some sort of undisclosed financial stake in a company that manufactures BHT before he started his “Is This the Cure” thread?

Has anyone else noticed how he likes to bring up how he plays tennis every once in a while as some sort of “I am not a nerd because I can do sports” declaration?

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Don’t forget “publishes Eli Elezra book without asking literally anyone in poker whether a he’s a scumbag who owes every pro in Vegas.”


With the final selection in the 5th round of the asshole draft, I select someone who is so much of an asshole that I’m genuinely surprised he’s still alive.

My case will be made entirely with the selection’s own words.

  • “9/11 was an inside job. Y’know folks always think that “well, they blew up the World Trade Centers to get the seven billion in insurance money” or “they did it to get the oil” or “they did it to be able to invade the middle east” or “did they it for weapons sales” or “they did it for opium” or “they did it for Israel”.
    It’s ALL those reasons. The New World Order doesn’t do something unless the cost-benefit analysis, it helps ALL of their major operations, and this is what it really comes down to in the final equation.”

  • “The reason there are so many gay people now is because it’s a chemical warfare operation. I have the government documents where they said they’re going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so people don’t have children.”

  • “Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chávez took the guns. And I am here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! It doesn’t matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have their guns taken; we will not relinquish them, do you understand? That’s why you’re going to fail, and the establishment knows, no matter how much propaganda, the Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns!”

  • “How about Prozac? … The U.S. number one cause of [unnatural] death is suicide now because they give people suicide mass murder pills. … I want to get people off pills that the insert says will make you commit suicide and kill people! I want to blame the real culprit—suicide pills! Mass murder pills!”

  • " It took me about a year with Sandy Hook to come to grips with the fact that the whole thing was fake. I mean, I couldn’t believe it. I knew they jumped on it, used the crisis, hyped it up. But then I did deep research and my gosh, it just pretty much didn’t happen.

  • " What do you think tap water is? It’s a gay bomb, baby. And I’m not saying people didn’t naturally have homosexual feelings. I’m not even getting into it, quite frankly. I mean, give me a break. Do you think I’m like, oh, shocked by it, so I’m up here bashing it because I don’t like gay people?"

  • "The West is only a destabilization program right now. We aren’t to that point yet, but in Sweden and Germany and France they’re putting ads on saying, “You are demoralized. You are dead. You are over. Give up to the hijab. Give up to Muhammad and Allah! Allah Akbar! We’re gonna stab your daughter at the mall! We’re gonna to stab your wife, your son, we’re gonna stab you with a butcher knife!” And then the police chief is going to get up and say, “We love our Somalis. We love our Muslims. Oh they’re so good. Oh they’re so sweet.”

  • " When I think about all the children Hillary Clinton has personally murdered and chopped up and raped, I have zero fear standing up against her. Yeah, you heard me right. Hillary Clinton has personally murdered children. I just can’t hold back the truth anymore. Hillary Clinton is one of the most vicious serial killers the planet’s ever seen."

Honestly I thought this would be kind of fun but its just sad, pathetic and upsetting.

Fuck you, Alex Jones.


Wow he and UNDRAFTED slid this far. Kind of surprised.

Mind blowing value for the final pick

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Locked it the fuck up with this pick

That was an unintentionally awesome move, b/c it led to an amazing drama bomb for a week.

Is it over? Time to name names?

Player Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
superbooger Donald Trump Jair Bolsonaro Kim Jong-un Xi Jinping Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
chuckles Mitch McConnell Newt Gingrich Bashar al-Assad Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Joe Lieberman
Matt Sean Hannity Marsha Blackburn Rodrigo Duterte Tucker Carlson @Inso0
zikzak Richard Sackler Mohammed bin Salman Pat Robertson Undrafted Tom Brady
hokie Steve Bannon Aung San Suu Kyi Jeff Bezos Brett Kavanaugh Laura Ingraham
NotBruceZ Ronald Ernest Paul Benjamin Netanyahu Vince McMahon Grover Norquist Sam Harris
LFS Dick Cheney Rush Limbaugh Omar al-Bashir Ann Coulter Sheldon Adelson
TimBuktuuf Goatse Sepp Blatter Isaiah Gregg Mike Bloomberg Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
TrueNorth32 Rupert Murdoch Charles Koch Stephen Miller Harvey Weinstein Mason Malmuth
Riverman Henry Kissinger Vladimir Putin Clarence Thomas Bill Cosby Alex Jones

Are we having a spite round?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

My vote counts for infinity. So yes.

Superbooger gets 5 of the top worst world leaders. Mostly just missing Vladdie.

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Just so you know since this is a spite round my pick is going to be unconventional and probably outside of the rules but… SPITE ROUND!