***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

What a write up!

Thanks. Iā€™ve honestly enjoyed the past write-ups somewhat, but that one took something out of me. She is such a fucking garbage human that I had to call it quits early.

@NotBruceZ, your time to break my heart is nigh. But Iā€™ve got a pick ready to go if you need more time and want to spare me

I kinda thought Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter were the same person untilā€¦ oh, I dunnoā€¦ right this second


its possible they are

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Hey man, no reason to blow up MY board


I mean we got Tucker, now whereā€™s the English versionā€¦ Iā€™m sad again boys.

Rip him a new 1 please.

Yeah you know who, Pierce his ass to a Morgan please.


Pears Morgan? The Americaā€™s Got Talent guy? No we like him here. A lot more merciful with the buzzer than his UNDRAFTED co-host.

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Speak for yourself


Oh Iā€™m sure some of you guys could find things to get riled up about but heā€™s just not a political figure in USA#1. Heā€™s the Americaā€™s Got Talent guy to 99%+ of Americans. Who cares.

And he wasnā€™t even the biggest asshole on Americaā€™s Got Talent!

Let anyone who likes that asshole speak up for themselves

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Oh he definitely was though, you just didnā€™t know it at the time.

Let me think [spoiler]https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/apr/21/piers-morgan-phone-hacking-mirror[/spoiler]

One of his finer episodes I believe.

I donā€™t know what this is exactly, but I hope our team wins, friend.


Hey Inso, Iā€™ll give you props since you not a snowflake that leaves after 12 hours. Care to answer some questions in that deplorable brother thread?

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Well I didnā€™t leave, I was banned until April 10th a few days ago.

I was Ctrl-Shift-Ting some tabs back open and one of them was Unstuck, so I just noticed now that I was unbanned and am going through the many @Inso0ā€™s in my list.

I am many things, but I try to keep the snowflake levels to a minimum.

Go ahead, man.

I hereby rescind my invitation for @LFS to skip me and will have something posted shortly.

Heā€™s not a racist.

Even though he apparently described Charlottesville as involving ā€œpeaceful marchers who just happened to be Nazisā€, yet is critical of the ā€œdangerousā€ Black Lives Matter movement and Antifa ā€œgoonsā€.

Or when he had Charles Murray on his podcast, but prefers to cast critics as political incorrect leftism.

Or when he defended Donald Trump suggesing that certain Congresswomen (presumably the so-called ā€œSquadā€) ā€œgo backā€ to where they originally came from by holding that there would have been nothing wrong with telling the Irish to go back to Ireland during the potato famine.

Or when he deleted his Patreon in solidarity with Carl Benjamin, better known as Sargon of Akkad on Youtube, when he ws deplatformed by Patron for dropping the n-word in a podcast.

But heā€™s not a racist.

Heā€™s a competent neuroscientist, I suppose, since he did get a Ph.D. in that area. But he has the arrogance typical of people who, having demonstrated skill in one area of life, presumes that it extends to everything. That he is a registered Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 does not make him immune to being an asshole. Like many assholes, he is thin-skinned and does not react well to criticism. Just see his interaction with Ezra Klein. He is intellectually dangerous because he sounds smart and pretends to be the reasonable, impartial arbiter. His perceived erudition is a cloak masking how much of an asshole he is. Anything you might think is racist is really him just asking questions and you completely took him out of context.

His works are a gateway drug to a bunch of assholes-in-training. With my fifth pick, I select Sam Harris.


  • Ron Paul
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Vince McMahon
  • Grover Norquist
  • Sam Harris

Your turn, for real, @LFS


When this asshole popped into my head I was shocked I hadnā€™t thought of him earlier.

This fucking asshole made billions and billions of dollars from casinos, which is just about all you need to know, really. But then, he waged a crusade against online gambling that led to the recusal of an attorney general, tense debates within the Justice Department, and a standoff with the White House that culminated with an extraordinary reversal of policy in the middle of a government shutdown. And this man, motherfucker that he is, has the gall to claim that his stand is a MORAL one. ā€œMy moral standard compels me to speak out on this issue because I am the largest company by far in the industry and I am willing to speak out,ā€ said this completely unmitigated son of a bitch. ā€œI am in favor of [gambling] as a form of entertainment, but I am not in favor of it exploiting the worldā€™s most vulnerable people. I know I am a Republican, and I am not supposed to be socially sensitive, but I am very socially sensitive.ā€ Ahahaha fuck you, you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.

Aside from that, he has used his personal fortune - estimated to be up to $39 billion - to furiously pump money into politics (solely supporting people I guarantee you hate) so he can get what he wants. Basically, heā€™s what the lunatics think George Soros is, except on the right, and real. Most notably, he is pretty much solely responsible for the US moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He is also widely credited with the changes to US Iran policy in the wake of Florida Manā€™s election in 2016. Currently he has committed to giving $100 million to Florida Manā€™s re-election campaign, but many estimates say it will be more like $200 million. Also, when he didnā€™t like his hometown newspaperā€™s coverage, he bought it and turned it into his personal propaganda machine. The list goes on and on.

Heā€™s also been into all kinds of sketchy dealings in Macau with organized crime, but that almost goes without saying at this point.

LOL I almost forgot, Florida Man gave this guyā€™s wife the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Anyway Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a ton more but you get it. For my fifth pick, a man who almost makes me ashamed of the religion I was born into

Sheldon Adelson


My team:
Dick Cheney
Rush Limbaugh
Omar al-Bashir
Ann Coulter
Sheldon Adelson


@TimBuktuuf, youā€™re up.