***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

My vote counts for infinity. So yes.

Superbooger gets 5 of the top worst world leaders. Mostly just missing Vladdie.

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Just so you know since this is a spite round my pick is going to be unconventional and probably outside of the rules butā€¦ SPITE ROUND!


Over a fourth of the worldā€™s population is ruled by a member of our team.

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Can I let it rip? I have like 15 more

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Damn you was hoping to grab him in the spite round. Spite round is for the lolz right?

Almost picked him over Trump. Canā€™t believe he didnā€™t go in the first round.

Pretty obvious who youā€™re referring to and Iā€™d take him before almost every media figure drafted so far.

But dictators and rulers are worse people in general. Itā€™s a requirement for the job.

I have 32 people left on my list, but to be fair I donā€™t know one of their names, so I just put down ā€œthat kid from UPENNā€.

That kid is an asshole. Itā€™s true.

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Alright. Mark Zuckerburg is an enormous fucking asshole.

Bonus asshole points for trying to play the ā€œmaking the world a better placeā€ card while making the world an awful place.

This asshole has been stealing your personal information and tracking your whole life forever. He got Donald Trump elected and he is a world class scumbag and he is one of like 10 people on earth I would punch on sight.

Fuck you, Zuck.


Certainly draftable, but not a spite pick. He could have been picked in round 2.

It also REALLY pisses me off when people look at me like Iā€™m an alien for not having a Facebook account. My kidsā€™ teachers have class Facebook pages and I absolutely refuse to participate. We are the only people who arenā€™t on those pages and therefore routinely miss critical information. Infuriating.


We also donā€™t have Facebook accounts in my household, and I would be legit furious if they used it for school assignments for my daughter.

Feels like you could make some noise at the school board about data security and try to get that shit shut down.

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How many of you had Brian Kemp on your list? I just saw that he announced today that he just learned the disease could be transmitted by asymptomatic people. Do we thing he is lying, or just a complete idiot? Oh and the CDC headquarters is in his state.

Also, Devin Nunes, Kris Kobach. My lord 51-100 would still be chock full of scumbags.

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How the hell did Karen not at east make the spite round? She embodies comfortable suburban assholery.

Spite round has just begun

Yes I am still working on my McConnell write up. I just hate the fucker so much writing about him brings me down. But its coming and I need to finish this to move on from my hate one way or another. I hope it lives up to the wait. This is also me prepping to have a post about him in my social media here in a few months.


Oops. I suck at paying attention. Not gonna redact her because it was a joke, anyway (but anyone is free to take her).

Weā€™re all waiting with bated breath for you Moscow Mitch write-up

Gak, I wasnā€™t paying attention either. Here I am name dropping thinking it was over.

My list is about 20 people long, but I really donā€™t know how punchable face exemplar, incest porn enthusiast, possible Zodiac killer, and all-around JAQoff Ted Cruz failed to be drafted. This quote says it all:

If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.

Or this:

What do you call that thing where a person has neither a moral center nor the social skills to conceal that fact?

Or, certainly, this:

A running fascination of the 2016 GOP primary campaign has been the steady revelation that no one, anywhere, likes or admires Ted Cruz or remembers him fondly or wants him to be president or wants anything to do with him. His colleagues despise him. The party establishment hates his guts. His former schoolmates talk about him the way you recall a memorably revolting cave cricket you once discovered in the bathtub. Carly Fiorina threw herself off a ledge at his approach. His wife is visibly repulsed by him. His children flee from him in terror. Even his own dad seems, wellā€¦ letā€™s be generous and call it ambivalent. Ted Cruz is Earthā€™s least-liked person.

And letā€™s not forget this:

Ted Cruz thinks people donā€™t have a right to ā€œstimulate their genitals.ā€ I was his college roommate. This would be a new belief of his.