Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Europe this year and man does it make it so painfully obvious our society is just completely fucking broken.




Have we been lucky that Texas is sending migrants to NY/Chicago and not swing states (PA/GA/MI)?

They probably saw Tucker Carlson come out as against Israel aid recently and figured they have a shot?

One of the communities I’ve done political organizing in has a large Muslim population. They are all already Republican. They loved trump in 2016, and they loved him in 2020. They don’t care that he wants them deported, they all own businesses and think because trump is a “businessman” that he’s automatically better.

I suspect that these “leaders” never had any intention of voting for a democrat, and many of them were already moving away from Dems due to LGBT/social issues anyway.


The Global War on Terror is basically over so they are free to go to their pre Bush preference. The Yeminis are attacking dozens of container ships sailing by and we’re not even bombing them.

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Gonna be awesome when the leopard eats those faces.

no clue if this is right but it says 75% voted for hillary

It’s right, but we were still in Afghanistan then. Obama had ended the Iraq war.

Not the ones in El Cajon, CA!

Guess none of them remember the aftermath of 9/11.


Not really. There are over 3 million Muslims in the US, and they’re all going to suffer from hate. They are not a homogenous group and it would be a big mistake to settle on the idea that “Muslims” deserve what’s coming to them for supporting Trump, because they don’t all support Trump.

“There is a likelihood that our votes may weaken the Democrats that the Republicans may win,” Hussein said. “We’re not fools about that.” The #AbandonBiden campaign is willing to take that risk, he said: “We will risk an unknown four years of Trump.”

“unknown” :leolol:


It’s easy to cast scorn and tell them to vote Biden for the good of the party/country, when it’s not your relatives, etc. that are being killed and your rights being trampled upon. I get that it’s shortsighted by them, but I don’t really blame them. Biden has essentially told them to fuck off - because he assumed in the end they vote for him regardless. Yes, calling his bluff is probably dumb, but in their mind what do they really have to lose.

Just imagine if Biden treated any other special interest group like this (say he came out in support of a ban on transgender individuals getting college sports scholarships - that would still be far better than the R/Trump position - but I wouldn’t expect the LGBTQ community to just accept it and keep universally supporting Biden because the alternative is worse. Nor would I say they deserved it, if that led to Trump being elected and they suffered a far worse fate.).


Truly I don’t give a shit who they vote for. Obviously Biden sucks on this but it’s just so funny to me that they’re pretending Trump is an unknown entity. It’s like the people running this movement are a NYT column come to life or something; hilarious shit.


I find it easy to say someone deserved it if they make a conscious choice to take the path with foreseeably worse consequences.


That’s not the idea. “Muslims” don’t deserve what’s coming to them. It’s those specific Muslims that may.

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It’s not like Biden can single handedly cast off Israel as a US ally, nor should he (from a Realpolitik perspective). Maybe I give him too much credit or the American Muslims give him too little but I truly believe he is trying to moderate Israel’s behavior behind the scenes and any Republican would push to escalate the behavior instead, hoping for a wider war with Iran. I also think people who are voting with this as their main issue should see that.

In the end I think the real reason Muslims might swing Republican is religious conservatism vs secular social liberalism but this is an easier and more PC thing to publicly criticize Biden for.