Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

What do you mean they don’t help us project power militarily? The calculus of everyone else in the middle east toward America would be vastly different without America having Israel as an ally there.

There may be a moral case for a Jewish state after WWII, but for it to be in that location? I don’t think so.

They don’t join coalitions of the willing, they don’t base our troops there. We have to beg them not to intervene in our fights, like in the Gulf War.

From a purely electoral perspective, it may hurt Biden to turn against Israel. There are about 8 million Jewish people in the US, and Jewish voters voted close to 70/30 for Biden over Trump. If, on average, Jewish Dem voters were to withdraw their support for Dems that could be material at least at the popular vote outcome. Harder to say if it would matter that much at the electoral vote level. About half of American Jews live in reliably Dem voting states - NY, California, Mass, New Jersey. On the other hand, Pennsylvania and Florida also have meaningful Jewish populations, so that’s a wild card.

Of course a change on Israel policy wouldn’t only impact the Jewish voters, but this is just a high level observation. Anecdotally the ony people I seem to run into that are a) presumable Dem voters like white collar professionals and b) ready to abandon the Dems solely on the basis of inadequate support for Israel, are affluent Jewish people I know or that are in my network of acquaintences.

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I don’t think you can hold not joining coalitions against them if we’re practically begging them to stay away. And they were attacked with SCUDs during our invasions of Iraq even if they didn’t supply troops. The average Israeli was put in much more danger than the average American. I also believe they were likely supplying and supporting intelligence.

And if they are going to exist and not be our ally, what do you expect would happen? They’re a pariah? No, in that scenario they’re going to all themselves with Russia or China. All of a sudden one of our main rivals is the ally of the dominant military and only nuclear state in the middle east, who also has a high tech industry which is nearly as capable and innovative as USA

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Yes, they would be a pariah. Russia is backing Hamas in the current war.

Now I’m confused if we’re talking about America dropping Israel as an ally today or never being involved with them post WWII.

Today, Russia would stick with Iran and Assad instead of Israel if we dropped them, but that would probably not have happened in the cold war era is Israel was never aligned with USA. Russia’s allies are basically a collection of countries that had reason to not like America during the cold war era.

Even today they would definitely buy Russian military hardware if we didn’t sell ours to them, and economically they would align with China and the EU. All of those would be bad things for US hegemony

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It’s true, it was not fair how badly Biden beat Trump


“You are the epitome of White privilege” said GOP Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina. “Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls.”

Im pretty sure we could all testofy to the fact that he does, indeed, have balls

i think it was moskowitz that asked if anyone wanted to vote to have hunter talk right now since he was there and all of them averted their eyes.



That whole hearing was nuts. Quite a series of posts by @Acyn.

Kimberly Guilfoyle already had her application rejected.


I think Biden is fucked on Israel. He loses votes from both sides, those who think he supported Israel too much or not enough.

Going to agree w the last reply. My anecdotal experiences tell me that Biden is probably average for his age in deterioration. He is nowhere near any sort of advanced dementia, which is hellacious.