Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

LOL, Hunter absolutely bodied those dumbfucks today without even saying a word.

Shows up, sits down, doesn’t say a word, then leaves and takes the press with him, stealing MTG’s thunder. Then Comer has to adjourn without taking a vote on holding in him contempt.

Absolute legend.


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Hunter Biden out here living the life of Andrew Tate’s dreams…but for real. And respectfully.

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Biden in 5 years is going to be a vegetable. It’s a disgrace he’s running again. Fucking olds, worst generation ever.

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Biden is not senile. Do not believe clips on social media that are intentionally cut to make him seem out of it. The left is falling further and further down a propaganda rabbit hole that social media just exacerbates. Instead, watch his speech from Saturday, for example.

Trump, on the other hand, is getting there fast.


Is this No Labels scam good or bad for Biden?

The guy is 81 years old. Pilots and accountants have to retire in their early 60s. It’s the height of narcissism to run again. He’s going to be fucking 86 at the end if he wins, that’s just indefensible. It’s ok to admit this!


This may all be true, but it is also not true that he’s senile or headed to imminent vegetable status.


I don’t think he’s senile and don’t think he’s going to be a vegetable in 5 years, but he absolutely should have said he was stepping down at least a year ago.

EDIT: Ponied

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My sportsbook has Biden to win again at +175, which honestly seems like a solid bet.

Biden is probably above average for cognitive ability at 81. People with that level of cognitive ability have no business running USA #1(or any other country).


Wait, wat? Seriously? This is a thing?

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I mean there are only 8 leaders in the world older than Biden and they are pretty much all from tin pot dictator type countries. It’s a valid complaint about him (and Trump).

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Yes, Big 4 have mandatory retirement at 62-65.

That’s interesting. What do they do after generally? Just work at a lesser firm? Or is the typical such accountant set for life by that age?

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man this feels exactly like 2016 where the entire world questions why the Dems are running such a bad candidate and then the bad candidate loses and the establishment names a million reasons other than running a bad candidate for why they lost


Big 4 pensions are massive, like 500k+ annually, in addition their partnership gets bought back, plus they can go on public boards and make bank.

Damn. That seems like the perfect career path for at least half the posters here. Good at math → get accounting degree → Big 4 → $$$.

So what’s the catch? Do they work insane hrs like top law bros and finance bros? Is getting a big 4 job very difficult? If so (seems like it would have to be), what are they looking for?

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It’s very hard to make partner, 100 hour weeks for 8-10 years and even then it’s not guaranteed, also the work is somehow even more mind numbing than BigLaw. Also you have to go to 5 years of school instead of 4 and pass the CPA exam which is reasonably hard.

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LOL. That is insane.

This is even more batshit.

Thanks. I no longer feel bad about not being an accounting bro. Exam can’t be that bad given people I know who have passed it, and I can tolerate a decent amount of mind numbing for enough cash. But those hours and the chance of success are non-starters.