Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Violent crime is down
Several major union victories
Stock market all time highs
Weed is all-but-descheduled
Student loan debt is being chipped away at. Progress is being made.

How is this fuckin guy a coin flip to lose??


Would Biden be popular if he was 55 years old and sounded like he did when he was 55?

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

Alternative facts.

Voters are fucking dumb

a random 55-year-old face would be winning handily, yeah. but joe biden when he was 55 was moviestar handsome. he’d have an 80% approval rating rn

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In today’s environment? I don’t think it matters. Biden is not chaotic, and the forces that drive the narratives need chaos to get clicks and likes. So they manufacture it, or just don’t talk about the non-chaotic stuff Biden is doing. It’s about the horse race. It’s about the fringe views on twitter that get picked up by the media which drives more fringe views and on and on.

The economy is historically good. If this was the 1995 media environment, Biden would be at 80%, no matter what his age is.

The only thing I can’t really quantify in this argument is if a younger Biden would navigate the intricacies of the internet/social media better. Not him specifically, but would he hire people that do. Right now, I think his team is not doing enough digitally. I’m torn on whether a younger Biden would be doing better in the management side of that part of his campaign.

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I dunno the segregation sympathizing might put some people off


Openly racist?

Damn got beat by over an hour to that easy joke lol

biden’s totalitarian communism turns out to be pretty safe. of course no true conservative would believe this


FBI is govt can’t be trusted


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

They’ve got this all sorted out:

If President = Republican, then: an increase in arrests indicates that the Republican is successfully fighting crime and putting away the Bad Hombres; a decrease in arrests indicates that the Republican is successfully fighting crime by being so Tough On Crime that the criminals don’t even try to do crimes anymore because they’re scared.

If President = Democrat, then: an increase in arrests indicates that the Democrat is responsible and that crime is out of control and probably some Urban Thugs are on their way to your house to murder you; a decrease in arrests indicates that the Democrat is a complete and total failure fighting crime and nobody is stopping the Bad Hombres because Democrats are Soft On Crime.


More accurately, according to my nextdoor in California, a decrease in arrests is because Newsom has instructed the police to not investigate crimes. The police do not respond to calls for stolen catalytic converters, shoplifting, burglary, pickpockets, and car crashes, instead 911 just tells you to fill out a form online and call your insurance company. Everyone ‘knows’ that crime is actually at an alltime high.


Yep, this is the right wing thought process right now. Every bit of evidence I dont like is in fact a lie.

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It also doesn’t help that even ads are talking about how terrible the economy is (lots of due to the economic troubles we’re offering this limited time deal on our scam product). People just constantly hear how bad things are and accept it has to be true.

That and of course no matter how good things are, one can easily imagine that things would be even better if the stupid liberals would stop ruining things with their science and data driven policy decisions.

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I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Europe this year and man does it make it so painfully obvious our society is just completely fucking broken.




Have we been lucky that Texas is sending migrants to NY/Chicago and not swing states (PA/GA/MI)?

They probably saw Tucker Carlson come out as against Israel aid recently and figured they have a shot?