Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Some people are just haters, I get it.

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What a perfect distillation of the public’s sentiment on Biden.

Could probably find similar poles on his handling of the economy and other issues.


Working hard! Thank you!

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Who’s still on the ballot in CO?


One of the many things ignored about the Biden presidency is how he did a massive expansion of the Affordable Care Act. Between the ARP and IRA, the increased subsidies and ending the cliff have made insurance significantly more attainable.

Millions more have coverage now.

— That Unhinged Biden Guy (@What46HasDone) December 20, 2023
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except change every instance of “Democrats” to “Joe Biden”


He’s gotta win the election (and Congress) to keep it going though. I believe these subsidies expire in 2025 (mostly because lol Manchin).


That seems like a big deal? Dems better message this well and make sure everyone knows he did that.

lol no shot they do either

Mari Christmas you filthy animals

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How many people are in federal prison for marijuana possession? I don’t want to downplay this, but it seems like it would affect very few people?

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“As of January 2022, no offenders sentenced solely for simple possession of marijuana remained in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.”

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Well, I guess if the democrats actually message this, they might want to leave off the part where it doesnt actually effect anyone.

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Actual messaging

“The Left” - Almost everyone in jail for weed is in on state charges, so Biden did nothing.

“The Right” - Sleepy soft on crime Joe is so out of touch that he is emptying the prisons while our cities are burning amidst the worst crime wave ever.

“Radical centrist” - While not perfect, this is a strong first step that improves thousands of lives and can hopefully lay the foundation for future progress as Joe Biden continues to BUILD BACK BETTER


This is literally what the rightwing hive mind on Twitter is bemoaning.

I think for the families and friends of these eleven imprisoned people, they probably feel differently. The actual people are probably happier than typical as well.

Fact check: it will result in the releases of 11 inmates.

Also, it’s not as if he has any authority to release anyone convicted under state law.

And it would be immoral to release violent/property offenders.

Well I’m glad we cleared that up!