2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

trump gave dems a pretty great soundbite in his townhall thing where he took sole credit for overturning RoevWade. dems probably need to just put that on repeat everywhere for the next 10 months

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I don’t think it matters that it has fallen out of the news cycle. It’s going to be helpful to the dems in 2024 and until it gets fixed which will be hard given the republicans ability to govern.

This isn’t just on Israel, this is the fate of every centrist. Centrists win not because they are loved, they win with votes from people that fear an extreme alternative.

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you’re right. and that’s why it’s so funny trump bragged about it on live tv last night

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Biden may be audibling and going with the classic “Can’t vote me out while we’re in a war” strategy

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This happened two days ago, a Royal Navy warship was also involved:

The container ship lines have mostly decided the region is too hot to use, though there are recent allegations that one is paying the Houthis to allow their ships to pass. The options were to live with Houthi control of the channel, bomb or appease.


With Trump as the alternative, worth it if it works.

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Yeah, if you don’t value the lives of non-USAians

You’re gonna be posting a lot of encouragements to violence the first week of November

Probably saves lives if you look at the long run.


Trump is less dangerous than Biden to the left.

He’s just a big dumb baby that doesn’t know what a missile is.


TRUMPDADDY has joined the chat.


I’m mostly for the abolition of non-violent non-property crime, but deep fakes like this should be automatic prison.

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If you have a child’s view of the long run, this might even be true

Median “undecided” voter


Latest NYTimes poll

That poll is obvious bull**** impossible to be right