2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


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That is a 2022 take, eggs are practically free again.

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These stories arenā€™t that surprising to me, the median citizen just thinks the President is the boss of the country and decides what happens.

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I read this as ā€œVampire votersā€ at first.

Right but isnā€™t this just a huge motivator in getting the right to vote? They hate unions!

Because we do have the metrics

Reading is not your strong suit?

Some face melters in here

ā€œIā€™m dragging my feet on supporting No Labels,ā€ said a private-equity executive who was once an enthusiastic supporter, adding that he needed answers on how they were going to decide whether to offer up an alternative, and who.

The private-equity executive said his hope is that No Labels gets on every stateā€™s ballot to pressure both parties to be more moderate, then drops out at the last minute.

Nobody says this unless they want trump as president.

Nikki Haley exists so that wealthy Republicans donors can convince themselves theyā€™re superior to the unwashed MAGA Republican horde.

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80-20 isnt overwhelming now?


10 point margin for Trump in Michigan, if these polls are anywhere close to true weā€™ll be sweating fucking Illinois and New Jersey.

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They arenā€™t. Literally not a single pollster thinks they are. Polls a year out are completely meaningless.

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Iā€™m not dumb enough to make pronouncements on political outcomes 10 months hence but that saidā€¦ the vibes are not good for Biden. The Gaza situation is going to drag on and on and will be a lead weight attached to Dem turnout. Dobbs has fallen out of the news cycle. Biden is just going to look more old and frail as time goes on and is facing an electorate who have decided they donā€™t like him. The big wildcard here is Trumpā€™s legal situation, obviously, God only knows how that plays out.


Israel is terrible for Biden because he loses from both sides (too pro Israel & not pro-Israel enough).


Maybe lots of people found Jan 6th entertaining? Hanging the vice president was quite the plot twist. Maybe next term Trump will try to give away the nuclear codes to Putin.