2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

That poll is obvious bull**** impossible to be right

I bet if he mocked baby Jesus while setting a live puppy on fire at his next rally he could get those numbers to 80/15/5 in his favor minimum

Also, Iā€™m not a polling expert, but how do you get to 101%

I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of polling until we can figure out what the hell is going on.



For example:

Trump 47.6
Biden 42.6
DK 9.8

Would turn into the 48/43/10 you see above.

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I tend to think the Biden doom and gloom polling is probably accurate. Literally no one actually wants Biden as president other than the fact he is not Trump. A sitting president this unpopular winning re-election is going to be tough.


I think incumbent doom and gloom is probably the new normal. The idea of incumbency advantage is baked into Presidential election lore, but the world is angrier and more fearful/hateful than it was before social media buried itā€™s worms into everyoneā€™s mind. People are highly susceptible to doom and gloom narratives, and the US mythology of the President as The Man In Charge means itā€™s easy to pin everyoneā€™s disappointments (whether theyā€™re real or imagined) on the incumbent President.


I follow more politics than most, but I donā€™t understand why heā€™s so unpopular (other than his handling of Gaza)

Republicans act like heā€™s the worst president in history. My boss is like anyone is better than Biden. Why?!?!

Heā€™s probably the most progressive president weā€™ve ever had


The Democratic Party base moved left faster than he did.

Ya maybe. I think he has been fine. The perception of him even amongst Dems is pretty bad though. The left never liked him and normies think he is senile. I mean we are having Jon Stewart segments on it at this point so of course people think that.

I mean, Iā€™m not thrilled with him either. Heā€™s definitely too old and I donā€™t think he should be president for the next 5 years. But policy-wise, heā€™s arguably better than I Obama and when you consider the alternative itā€™s not even close

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The two responses I get on this are

  1. Immigration ā€“ I then point out that he deporting at a higher rate than Trump (more immigrants but last I check % deported is higher under Biden)

  2. Heā€™s old and senile ā€“ Of course, Trumpā€™s nose is wide open on this one, but they donā€™t care.

most people already decided they didnt like Biden before he even got into office and since its 2024 they can just find whatever corner of tiktok or twitter that confirms their beliefs that they already had about him and just stay there in one continuous feedback loop. there is no policy or actions that Biden could have done differently to change anything.

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Then Trump was fine in your eyes, other than his refusal to accept the election results.

Why do you say that?



They will say this about any Dem president no matter who they are or what they do. Republicans lie. A lot.


What I meant was, they act like things are worse now than ever. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve been spoiled my entire life, but I honestly havenā€™t noticed much difference from president to president. I have a decent job. Other than covid, the quality of my life hasnā€™t changed much from Trump to Biden. I couldnā€™t afford a yacht under Trump, and I still canā€™t under Biden

He knows what you meant and his comment still applies.


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Iā€™m starting to think American exceptionalism is real: weā€™re just exceptionally dumb