2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Holy shit. Those numbers are dismal.

Trying to think if either of them had anything that helped or hurt me personally and I canā€™t even answer that :confused:

these kinds of polls and surveys are completely worthless when one side is a cult and the other are normal people answering honestly.

eta- like DUCY said, iā€™d bet the majority of people saying trump policy helped them couldnā€™t name one that actually helped them. it would just be like ā€œthe borderā€ or ā€œstopped woke agendaā€.


Yeah Iā€™d say there is almost no shot most could name anything besides he kept the browns out or they just scream tax cuts (no clue if there were tax cuts during Trumpā€™s time)

Even if I could come up with something that Trump specifically did or pushed for that helped me, heā€™s done so much horrible shit or influenced so much horrible shit that it would have negated anything good 100-fold.

Or something like ā€œmy paychecks are bigger now because Trump cut my taxes!ā€ Totally ignoring that most or all of that was due to withholding changes and they started owing $$ at tax time, but they blame that part on the Democrats somehow, of course.

From that article:

Mr. Biden is, however, winning among the sizable groups of voters who say that either his policies or Mr. Trumpā€™s have not made much of a difference.

Bidenā€™s only chance is to run up the score with this group.

the fastest way to 60 Democratic senators is to force republicans to pass their own budget. if the public is dumb enough to vote republican let them take their medicine.


Trump passed out free money when covid hit. That helped them personally.

I have no idea how we could quantify or study it, but after having worked in this space for 5 years now, I have a gut feeling, based on my experience, that political polling is fundamentally flawed.

Not the methodology or anything like that, but the very basis of it. The results are based on the fundamental basic assumption that the sample is random, and I firmly believe that modern poll samples are NOT random, at all. Itā€™s not self-selection, or some other previously-identified bias, itā€™s something new that I have no established name for.

The people who answer polls are just NOT a representative sample anymore, and I honestly canā€™t think of how to fix it. Pollsters need to come up with a completely new paradigm.

Iā€™m not just saying this because I want to believe the results are skewed, Iā€™m saying this based on what Iā€™ve observed on the ground in a county with heavily blue AND red areas.

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Not for nothing but no legitimate pollster considers any sample as random (or representative). I imagine most of the intellectual labor (and the distinction between different pollsters) is determining how to weight the sample so to approximate representativeness of a likely electorate. Whether anyone is doing a good job of this I cannot say.


Modern polling uses weighting because pollsters knows the sample isnā€™t completely random.

i somewhat agree. my personal hypothesis (with no data) is that the public is in the early/mid stages of political realignment, whereas the polling uses past dem/gop (or liberal/conservative) categories as a way to weigh the sample.

that true, but all those people are allowed to vote with those generalities.

Yeah my headspace is pretty much resigned to ā€œweā€™re going to get the president this country deservesā€

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A Trump re-election will in and of itself change the perception of the US globally as well as our standing. One election the rest of the free world could shake their head and wonder wtf was going on here. Electing him in an advanced state of decline after a failed coup attempt will be something else entirely.



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A bit of hopium.



New failson candidacy just dropped

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Iā€™m sure someone in the Lakers organization is hoping heā€™ll win. Maybe a lot of someones.