2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I can’t even fault the grifters making money off this guy. A fool and his money etc.

I think someone mentioned AOC in this thread. She’s still doing stuff


Is she? Cuz that’s four+ years old now.


Well damn. It showed up in my Reddit and figured it was fresh.

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He was my favorite character in Winning Time.

I feel like this makes Florida have a non-zero chance of being interesting.




certainly seems like it SHOULD help dem turnout by a lot…

6 week ban going into effect in May and then an amendment to enshrine protection into the state constitution in November. PLUS you are getting a weed vote as well. not sure there is much better that could go right for dems in fLOLrida.

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Abortion will be on the ballot in Florida.


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democrats are also running a hispanic candidate for senate for the first time ever in Florida.


Your pony died before it could get on the ballot

Also, in before weed and abortion rights crush on that ballot, and so does trump


Good thing the Dems are too goddamn stupid to seize this golden opportunity to focus national attention on abortion.


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By my quick map, this would only be true if Biden loses Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia.

(Which is possible, so this move would be a -EV outcome. But it’s unlikely this single EV would decide the whole thing.)

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I just realized I used “EV” twice there and meant different things.


…but in the real world this just means that the third largest state in the country is about to de facto ban abortion.

Also even if the amendment wins the court strongly hinted that it would strike it down on fetal personhood grounds. Not great!

Anyone who didn’t understand either doesn’t DESERVE to be on this board imvho


Trump has proven that he doesn’t need any organization. His 2016 campaign was a clown show, but he pulled it out on the strength of racism and a weak opponent. He still has those things going for him.