2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Dudes newsletter is literally “hopium chronicles”

in 2016 the RNC was as good as it ever was, before trmp installed loyalists and committed its coffers to his legal bills. in 2020 it was still a huge fundraiser, but trmp’s campaign was full of randoms who made out like bandits. this year they will have neither the money advantage or the best people.

im sure trmp hopes he luckboxes another EC win with help from putin, but if you listen closely he’s already coming up with excuses how it was all rigged against him.

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Listen closely? He yells election interference at every opportunity he gets.

Nebraska idea seems to be on thin ice.


Right - in 2016 Trump campaign itself was a clown-show, but RNC Chair was Reince, and staffed with lots of qualified people who could raise money and organize stuff.

Now it’s Lara Trump and a bunch of idiots/grifters. Not saying he can’t win, but it definitely doesn’t help the cause.


Rick Scott 88% to win


Sounds like free money, although probably not much after fees and whatever.

Seems better than the people around here who think Rick Scott is 100% to win because lolFlorida.


The headliners are clowns, but have all the competent GOP people been chased off? I can’t imagine so. I would think that they’d be better suited today, now that the GOP has enthusiastically coalesed around Trump

Lol America.


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lol your pony

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Was listening to a podcast and they mentioned more Americans claim they would vote for an atheist than a socialist. The right has done such a good job making socialist a bad word. Insane.


I mean it’s not been well thought of going back to McCarthy and cold war

Yeah I get some pretty nasty looks when I call myself a democratic socialist. More so than when I call myself an atheist

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“Polymarket” sounds like a dating app for swingers.


I assume you’re including Democrats in “the right”


I still instinctively cringe at the word. I have to rationally talk myself past it.


It’s going to be so frustrating losing to this squad