Betting on Sports

4 walks obv

Yeah I’m done falling for Judge boosts.

CZR has a judge walk prop at even for $10 (A+ trolling btw, this is the best book, not the best lines or promos but they won’t snap limit you and that’s automatically top tier book in my world)

still playing the judge hit boost on DK

also the fanduel boost

go boosts today maybe

edit–boost sweep we like those

DK sent me a second TNF up 7 boost for the week. First was $100, second is $500. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

oh and make sure to claim the weekly prize on DK, I got 1500 crowns but some got some decent or better stuff I hear.

Yeah, since DK refunded, I’m in again for Judge hit +100.

Heavy is the head who wears 5000 crowns motherfuckers

all rise

(sigh at no HR boost today, books knew they knew)

hey sportsbooks, where my philly last unbeaten money at

(lol at this already in week 4) hope some of you tailed


I did for a little taste. Put in a bunch of tyreek props too when I was placing that bet so that was a nice 20 minutes spent as long as he doesn’t die

Nice hit!

But how does a bet like this work. Does Philly have to win this weekend too? Or does it come down to the literal second in time of still being undefeated even though they’ve played fewer games than the previously last unbeaten team?

I figured it just came down to timing but my win hasn’t paid out yet, if it is week by week that would be a joke.

ya know I didn’t look at the terms on the sites when I bet and it hasn’t paid out so maybe it’s week to week, which well just beat the jags then

I wouldn’t have expected literal time, ie if both teams lost on sunday but one morning/later wouldn’t work, but was definitely hoping thursday would be too far away but alas. We’ll just have to wait to whether we get half or the full I suppose.

September was my best month ever, over 2x more than my previous best month. I love football


I don’t want this advertised or discussed much cause I think it’s potentially something that could get nerfed, so keep it quiet please. BS parlays of two players to score TDs in the same game seem to spit out way higher lines than other books. Consistently. Best I’ve found for tomorrow so far is Elliot/Gibson at +850, when its +390 on DK and +445 on FD. Not even sure these plays are +ev given the likely huge juice on TD markets, but its fun to look for the pairings with way higher payouts and have some sweats on Sunday. I hit 2/6 last week for $135 net profit betting $25 on each one. Have 7 plays for tomorrow so far.

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TD markets are absolutely brutal juice wise, I’ve only seen a few plays each week on those I liked and a lot I went lol no

My eagles last undefeated bet paid out on Bovada this morning so I guess it wasn’t week to week :vince1:


if there is an edge on any time TD, gotta be QB’s if the books haven’t adjusted to this new style of them getting them now

Beware the books call them “anytime” TDs, but they only honor scores that happen during a game.

PIckett/Jones 4 TDs
Harris/Barkley 0
