Betting on Sports

Up to 4 now with Vlad and Olson, plus drawing plenty live to the late games :sunglasses:

you got joc/devers/vlad/olson/naquin with some atbats still left, welcome back to the party

Officially smashed this week again. Added Varsho when Rivera got scratched. And just hit Tommy La Stella at +900. We’ve hit 7 so far with several games still going. 36 total HRS on the night currently. Let’s go!!!

la stella seriously man jeez grats

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Easily one of the most satisfying picks we’ve ever had. His FD line and predicted SLG made it seem like the best option* in that game, and even then we debated it for a while.

*well, second best option after Joc, who also hit one tonight.

so I pay for one guy’s picks cause he has a model that has beaten run in first inning pretty well so far this year

I think his dinger tuesday lineup is at 8 correct right now

I could’ve just copied that but nooooo

omfg julio

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8 out of 15? Dear lord thats a good week.

13 he skipped two, one being pirates rockies, the other was not recognizing the power of la stella

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Banggggg!!! Nice pick!

38 career HRs in 9 seasons. Knew he was due for number 39 tonight.

But yea, 8 for 13 in unreal good.

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it’s basically the ones we got, plus the angels game minus yours in the giants. wild it was all in the same lineup.

I need to follow baseball again I guess, I have no idea who Julio Rodriguez is

i have no idea who 99% of the players are

Wow Heim was +1040, i almost took him over trout because the line was +400 higher than czr or dk. Wild night for longshots

I think everybody made bank tonight. Wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see this promo next week.

so while coasterbrad was using all that smart people stuff coming up with la stella and most sharps had joc

instead of that I read someone say “I think lindor is going to hit one” and went sure and picked that at +660

Lindor +660, Varsho 440, Devers 440 Olson 390 Vlad 460? (I think)

5 tonight, fanduel, eat shit

edit–2 of the 3 fd boosts hit too almost passed on the one that didn’t dang

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they didn’t have it up today for awhile so yeah you’re probably right

Naquin, Story, JRamirez, Pavin Smith
Feel like I missed out tonight. Had good recs on Torres, Walsh and a couple others but their odds dropped.

why have I not this whole time tried to parlay even one of “what if the nba playoff game is a blowout, a bunch of unders hit the props”