Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Grunching 100 posts or so but the fact longtime 22 mods find modding here intolerable should be a wakeup call.


There have been 100s of posts here all super respectful to wookie and the mods.

It’s remarkable to frame this that way while ignoring Keed and PC desire to step in.

I asked 50 times in this thread and not got a single answer as to why this isn’t the logical next step.


As long as we’re allowed to continue shitting on Greenwald, I’m ok with keeeeeeeeeeeeed modding.


A wakeup call for whom? If the mods aren’t the leaders of the community, and I don’t think that was ever the intention, and admins aren’t the leaders of the community, and the owners aren’t the leaders of community, who is supposed to “wake up” and what are they supposed to do?

That’s his super power for crying out loud.


Ya. I don’t think that’s it.

It doesn’t solve the underlying problem of the mods getting harassed endlessly until they quit.

Maybe people should stop being assholes. That’s all I meant.

Literally this all boils down to a handful of people think they have the right to say whatever they want and treat people however they want and anytime any modding of that abhorrent behavior gets done they throw a month-long fit.


quoted for fucking truth


Other than Goofy asking Keed some questions no one even acknowledged their desire to mod.

This is so weird to read i feel like @6ix. None of this makes sense unless half of you are trolling me.


Come on man. We very nearly voted in boredsocial until he clarified his positions. Then like 75% of us went and changed our vote.


Right, but that’s like people’s job, they are never going to voluntarily stop. Primarily because most of them think you* are the asshole, not them.

We need to start iterating over some rules. Propose a set, try it for a few weeks, see how it does, rinse and repeat forever.

*Not literally you WitchitaDM.

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Was thinking Van Zandt myself.

After 8 months of this I probably would have told all the participants to fuck off and banned you all. They have been remarkably patient. You and the others aren’t the persecuted class you pretend to be to justify the behavior. You aren’t victims.


I can get on board with that

No. I stepped down from modding because at the time it appeared the forum might be heading towards some sort of PAC type fundraising (which never ended up happening), and I couldn’t be part of that for other reasons.

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Yeah, but that was actually often a good thing? Because when someone went to ATF to complain that they had been tempbanned for a day, they were correctly mocked by the rest of the forum.

Wonder whose avatars get put on the painting of the signing of the Constitution when this stuff gets sorted out.


No, it actually boils down to a failed attempt at community moderation where we have no idea how to actually implement it. The rules we have aren’t enforced equitably and don’t envision long running feuds or the level of single-mindedness we’ve seen here. Let’s declare this iteration of the rules of a failure and try something else.


I agree with you. I’ve personally been asking for a no personal attack rule for almost a year and have been told it’s impossible and too lofty. Instead we let the worst behaved members drive the bus because why exactly again?