Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Unless some of the “harassment” is a group of community members who genuinely feel like they are being mistreated and voicing their concerns.

All of the people on “your side” are de-facto advocating for a mass permaban of users and refusing to take any other solution into consideration no matter what the community voted on.


Right, that’s exactly my point. Boredsocial was honest and acting in good faith…

The fact you can’t drop this kind of petty grievance is exactly why we can’t have nice things.

I’ve enjoyed your posting but these pointless feuds and shots taken are literally 90% of the problem. I haven’t been 100% innocent of it either but I have tried to do better.


My point was they have had no problem dealing with 2+2 shitposters for a decade but are quitting here because being a mod is intolerable. We can debate why that is but it’s obvious something has to change or the next set of mods will be put in the same horrible situation.

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Mods should have the ability to force specific posters to ignore each other’s posts. You get one warning to calm down, if you continue stirring shit up with someone, you never get to see their posts again. Can be voted on by the community.

But really, as suzzer and others said above, people should make more liberal use of the ignore feature. You get to moderate your own feed.


What other solutions are you even talking about? I’m willing to listen.

No one has taken a shot at you that I have seen.

I strongly support jail for overcooking/undercooking things.


Do you realize how petty you come across?

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I mean you could ask a lot of people why they are caught up in this drama. But basically my opinion is that a couple of mods helped fuel this latest blow up and refuse to even consider that their behavior at least contributed to it.


I think some should be aware what an annoyance it is being a mod. Every day there are anywhere between like, 3-5 posts flagged, sometimes a LOT more. The notifications drove me crazy which is not a small reason I separated my user account from admin account (the other being I wanted people to have the ability to ignore my posts if they so chose).

Each flag requires action. If you make the wrong decision, you risk these huge flareups. Because people can’t take something like a small timeout or a post being hidden without acting like a child (admit that I am guilty of this too).

TLDR but from my view, being a mod is quite annoying. Every time the little orange notification pops up on the admin account I’m eternally grateful I don’t have to deal with it and it’s someone else’s problem.

We as a community want more moderation but we also want to allow people to shit on the floor and have someone else clean it up. I don’t blame mods for being like “no, I don’t want to do that.”

As a community we can and should just DO BETTER. Holy crap. If I was watching this and rooting for us to fail I’d be cheering right now. This is just embarrassing.

I’ll say for probably the hundredth time this is why pure democracy doesn’t work. At SOME level you need some leadership, and we have none. That’s what is really missing here.


Personally I think you have it backwards. Maybe the mods should be afforded the same leeway, deference and grace that the self-identified aggrieved parties want for their own posting.


The first idea was to rotate the moderators as at least two of the current moderators are very emotionally involved in this argument.

Unless i’m mistaken, the leading voices in this argument, other than jman, has been wookie and skydiver. Both great posters and probably great mods. Two respected members asked to take on the job of defusing this for the good of the community.

Once the immediate answer wasn’t “sure lets put this to a vote and move forward”, the logical conclusion is that one side is only intetested in total surrender of the “other side”.

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Maybe some of the mods could step back and self-reflect? Just like they are asking a certain group of users to do.

Why won’t anybody (except Will) go on the record about if it was appropriate for Sky to threaten to ban a user for doing something that the community voted was ok? And also acknowledge that it played a large part in this week long forum meltdown.


Also I would guess 80-90% of posters have never been modded at all. Let’s not pretend this is a case of mods gone wild. It’s 10% of the forum being willing to take a shit on it for a reason I don’t quite understand.


A super worthwhile opinion from another poster who doesn’t post much or hasn’t followed the drama much, if at all:

I think both PocketChads and Keeeeeeeeeeeeed would be potentially excellent mods. Although Keed’s range is probably anywhere from Reagan in the eyes of the GOP to Stalin in the eyes of the GOP, I’m leaning strongly towards the former.


The levels of butthurt over a possibly improper mod action/actions is just something I will probably never understand


Did you ninja edit? If not I apologize for missing your point and replying too hastily. If so, then your point wasn’t clear before you finished your edit, but is now.

This thread killed Screech :(


I would handle the lack of rules not by trying to get a bunch of rules passed, but by acting within the guidelines I and PC have laid out. Then documenting every decision in the mod decisions thread, and probably highlighting a few of the decisions and offending posts in another pinned thread. So, two locked pinned threads: a log of the decisions and then a list of specific examples that tend to illustrate the ad hoc rules that have been developed so far.

If the community objects to any of these actions, they can override the moderators’ decision and the moderators should update their moderation to reflect the consensus.

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